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Everything posted by Tom

  1. System Requirements

    Note that is not 'ApeXDC++', it's 'ApexDC++'.
  2. We're making you wait for a very good reason - it hasn't been developed yet! It will be based on StrongDC++ RC11, which hasn't been released the the public yet. Once it is released, development will begin in earnest.
  3. Welcome to ApexDC++

    /me giggles at the thought that the picture is actually of Lee ;)
  4. Different appearance

    Oh, movable, righty.
  5. Different appearance

    Seems less user-friendly to me, what do others think?
  6. Just to be sure

    There was a tree in DC:Pro, don't know about fulDC.
  7. 2 nice features from Zion

    Surely there isn't much you can do to make it simple without changing the radio buttons? :P
  8. 2 nice features from Zion

    I do think it could do with being more clear - many users with routers which support UPnP will automatically choose the UPnP option whether or not that's the one they really want. Thinking about it, surely there are only really two options needed - Active and Passive? Then have checkbox options for UPnP and random port numbers? Or am I being too idealistic? EDIT: Actually, now I think about it, the connection settings screen is an accident waiting to happen. Things like 'Don't allow hub/UPnP to override' are confusing for new users
  9. Just to be sure

    Look, calm down. Getting angry over something that happens on t3h 1nt3rw3b is pointless. If the features you requested aren't on the to-do list, re-request them and they will be considered.
  10. 2 nice features from Zion

    They do, as long as you don't set it to use UPnP. I'm planning on extending my connection check into a connection-help site as well as merely a tool, so hopefully that'll provide the help you requested :P
  11. When Do You Guys Expect ...

    That's perfectly understandable. Likewise, I'm sure you appreciate that we want ApexDC++ to be a high quality client rather than a rush job :P
  12. 2 nice features from Zion

    In that case why not have an 'Advanced Settings' group?
  13. 2 nice features from Zion

    Testing... EDIT: OK, uploads now working :)
  14. neXTDC++ and ApexDC++

    There aren't. PeerWeb DC++ was originally going to become neXT++, but the staff and community decided that it would be better to create an 'independent' client which could be supported by both PeerWeb and neXTPeer. So, ApexDC++ was created.
  15. Welcome to ApexDC++

    Don't we all. Hi, guys!
  16. Welcome

    Welcome to your new Invision Power Board! This is simply a test message confirming that the installation was successful. You can remove this message, topic, forum or even category at any time.