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Tree Menus within the settings.

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Basically when I look through the settings I find it very hard to find a particular settings with a lot of the sections looking the same with just a load of tickboxes. I would like to see these options grouped together into tree menus, much like when you select what you want to share.



Edited by Greg

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Been 9 days and no comments, and I think the feature is useful. If it's not possible do state, or if you just have no intention of doing it please state that too. Also, if you don't understand I mean (you probably should), then I can explain it further.

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Sort of. They are tree like settings already - "Advanced", etc... but you mean within the actual list of settings? Show me a GFX mockup of how you'd like it.. I aint sure how many settings you could group up. Or, wait until you see RC11's new settings layout.

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Alright, I'll wait in the hope that's it's better... and then mock up an image or two to show what I mean if I still think it'd be useful to implment. ;)

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mm i dont know it its a good idea "running away" from the traditional look of the settings....many people have already adapted to the courent (and by my opinion,the only look of the settings panel)and it may be a drawback to make a new look....or at least leave the old look under "advanced look" or something...

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