
[Crash] Apex 0.2.2

3 posts in this topic

I had a crash after a long time in Apex just right now.

I have had it working all day. The crash occured when I tried to delete an incomplete file from download queue.

When I pressed the yes button on the confirmation remove dialog, Apex froze for a while and then it crashed.

The problem with that file was that 2% was remaining and although 52 users were standby to give me the file, the connection wasn't starting. That's why I decided to remove it. To download it again from the start ;)

Hopefully, an exceptioninfo file was created :w00t:

Here it is.


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We got such situation here (I mean, connection wasn't starting, but sources online and have slots). We found if you set priority to Pause and then return it to normal, it will start.

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