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Downloads slow to stop

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My downloads start at a certrain speed and then get less and less each second until 0bps and then disconnect, ive tried everything to fix this. Changing firewalls.... no firewalls... my download speed out side of using a p2p program is good, but using a p2p it just goes crap. Could my isp be cutting my bandwith when a p2p program is running?

Any help would be great, thnks

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my download speed out side of using a p2p program is good, but using a p2p it just goes crap. Could my isp be cutting my bandwith when a p2p program is running?

Could be, yes. Sounds like you also experienced this with other P2P programs.

You could try activating the options "Send garbage on incoming connection (to avoid ISP P2P throttling)" and "Send garbage on outgoing connection (to avoid ISP P2P throttling)" in ApexDC Settings > "Advanced". Maybe this solves your problem.

My downloads start at a certrain speed and then get less and less each second until 0bps and then disconnect

I guess the speed isn't really decreasing more and more. I think there is an unthrottled transfer at the beginning of your download that stops suddenly. And what you see as an effect of becoming slower and slower most likely is just the result of your DC doing the math on transferred bytes divided through time of transfer (kB/s). So if there are no more bytes coming but the connection is still considered to be active, the displayed transfer rate will decrease until it's below the "Disconnect downloads if speed is below: XX" setting (in Settings > Advanced > Limits) or until the client gives up to wait.

I could be wrong, though. I don't know how Apex handles the transfer rate display.

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