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Away Button

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Do you remember that u can set your AM right from the away button in rmDC++ ?How about making this possible in ApexDC++ too ?

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I think, if this would be added, it should be an option. I definitely do not want to click another popup window away everytime I click the AWAY button. ;-)

Or maybe another shortcut or button to modify the away message directly without having to click through the settings? And independent from the AWAY button? How about that?

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I think, if this would be added, it should be an option. I definitely do not want to click another popup window away everytime I click the AWAY button. ;-)

There's a little pointer in the away button and only if you click at it you will be asked for a new AM.And if you dont like my idea ill still be happy with

Or maybe another shortcut or button to modify the away message directly without having to click through the settings? And independent from the AWAY button? How about that?

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There's a little pointer in the away button and only if you click at it you will be asked for a new AM.

Oh, okay, I didn't test this client, so I didn't know.. :whistling: But this also sounds like a good idea.

So, more ideas/comments from others?

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This is a P2P program, not an IM program. :whistling:

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Sure, but what makes DC be a community and what makes it different to all the other P2P programs?

Correct, the built-in chat function. For me actually almost more important and definitely more often used than the download function, I think ever since I've been using DC (like 5 or 6 years now, I think..). ;-)

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