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A few requests

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1.Dunno about you but I just love SDC++ RC10's appearence. Mainly I like the old userlist icons and I hope you'll make some "magic" button to bring that back. Concering this I noticed something else : when I'm in Active Ip mode, in the userlist icons the red wall indicating the passive users does not appear any more.It only appears if I'm in Passive mode. I know that I can see in the Mode column wich users are active or passive but it's easier if the red wall always appear.

2.There should be an option for ops to activate/deactivate check users filelist. Because I am an op in several hubs I want to check users which connect to my hubs but I don't want Apex to download all their filelists.

I think Apex will be a nice client & I hope u can implement my requests in the following versions. Best regards to the development team

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As I finished the topic I realised I forgot to add something. There is a feature in most of the dc clients which I found to be very useful and Apex doesn't have this function. When I search for users who have forbidden files in share I usually kick them from the search window. I select them , right click & kick. I noticed that when I try to do this in Apex the kick command doesn't appear any more and thus I have to take every user separately and kick him. This is a waste of time & and perhabs you should reconsider implementing this function again

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As I finished the topic I realised I forgot to add something. There is a feature in most of the dc clients which I found to be very useful and Apex doesn't have this function. When I search for users who have forbidden files in share I usually kick them from the search window. I select them , right click & kick. I noticed that when I try to do this in Apex the kick command doesn't appear any more and thus I have to take every user separately and kick him. This is a waste of time & and perhabs you should reconsider implementing this function again

Hmm, I'm pretty sure that should be present. I'll get Crise to take a look. But then again, this isn't the op client ;)

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