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DC++ connection problem

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Hi..I need help. I used peerwebDC++ for a while, and now I'm using this Apex DC++..Well, using isn't a right word for it. Why? Because, as soon as I start my ApexDC++ and connect to some hubs, my internet connection crashes for less than 10 minutes. I have ADSL type of internet connection, it works very good for all other types of internet services(downloads and uploads very big files without any problems), except DC++..I've tried everything that came to my mind-changing of type of connecting(direct, Passive..), changing number of upload slots, limiting the speed..and none of above helped..Is this possible, or I'm in some kind of Candid camera:-)? Please help, you are my only chance...

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hi shejtan, could you provide more infomation. ehg, which hubs are you connec6ting to. Have you tried connecting to one hub at a time to see if it is actully just one hube that is affecting things. Also code you post the contents of exceptions.txt (probably c:\program files\apexdc++\exceptions.txt.

this will help the dev team nknow a bit more about what is going on, cheers :)

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