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[1.2.2] Autosorting search results doesn't work

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I usually sort search results by size.

Whenever i start a new search, results are unsorted, i think they're sorted only by order of appearance.

I couldn't want to have them ordered in real time (though it would be the best solution), but Apex should at least order them at the end of search.

Oh, two things more:

- It would be great if Apex could order by 2 fields... i mean i'd like to order by size, but also by TTH if two files have the same size.

- Apex should remember these orderings when starting another search in another tab and of course, when you close and reopen it.

PS: I've seen it forgets everything when starting a new search (i haven't closed Apex to see if it doesn't occur anymore, but...). It forgets field ordering, but also fields (columns) position/size, which columns are present and which not. It's very important to have same visual structures under same conditions.

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