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Autosearch prio?

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Yeah, I just wonder how the darn thing prioritize it's searches.

I've set the interval to 5 min (lowest) and when I watch the syslog it indeeds searches every fifth minute, but it tends to make some sort of random choice on which one (of the many files in my queue) it will search for. Or, well, at least it's no alphabetic logics in it. Any ideas? I would just be glad to know the deal.


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Think it supposed to do random although sticking to alphabetical would be nice

btw ugly pic noone likes pirate ponten :)

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Think it supposed to do random although sticking to alphabetical would be nice

btw ugly pic noone likes pirate ponten :)

First of all, ty for your quick response. I suffer ADD and the second I reckoned the auto-search was obviously not going by alphabetic order I felt the urge to know, and FAST; thus flamed a couple of boards etc. Had a few pre-pondered hypotheses. "Totally random" (eg. like you well confirmed), "Based on added-to-queue-timestamp", "Based on alphabetic order, by the TTH sums in queue.xml", and a couple of others, more or less unlikely. However, now I install that statement of yours in my mental knowledge database as De facto in this matter, so that I can rest easy and move on with my life.

Oh yeah, the picture, indeed! :)

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Mystery solved!

At first I found comfort in your reply, but after less than an hour I started feeling ill at ease (Nb. I have some personal compulsive issues) with the fact that your answer consisted of the "T word". I wont around in circles and didn't know where to go. Then I found my path to the DC++ Launchpad. I punched my issue over there, and the kind man on the other end of the service line gave me a very desirable answer only approx. an hour later.

DC++ question #83285: â

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