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Connection Settings of ApexDC++ version 1.2.1

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My operating system is Windows XP Home Edition, the version of my ApexDC++ is 1.2.1, and the only Firewall I am having in my PC is the one included in Windows XP.

As you undoubtedly know, in ApexDC > Files > Settings one can select one of the following options:- Direct Connections, Firewall with UPnP, and Firewall with manuall port fowarding.

When I started ApexDC, the option seleced was "Firewall with UPnP" and I saw there numbers of the TCP and UDP ports. Hence, I added the numbers of those ports into Windows Firewall's' "Exceptions". Next, I connected to any Public Hubs and searched for "setup.exe" files. There appeared a lot of such files (I found also many other files).

However, afterwards, when I selecetd the "Direct Connection" option, I could find not even one setup.exe or any other file (which I found previously - when the selected option was "Firewall with UPnP").

Since I saw in this Forum that the recommended option is "Direct Connection" I would like somebody there to help me to overcome the above mentioned problem (namely, to select the "Direct Connection" and still be able to find files).



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My operating system is Windows XP Home Edition, the version of my ApexDC++ is 1.2.1, and the only Firewall I am having in my PC is the one included in Windows XP.

As you undoubtedly know, in ApexDC > Files > Settings one can select one of the following options:- Direct Connections, Firewall with UPnP, and Firewall with manuall port fowarding.

When I started ApexDC, the option seleced was "Firewall with UPnP" and I saw there numbers of the TCP and UDP ports. Hence, I added the numbers of those ports into Windows Firewall's' "Exceptions". Next, I connected to any Public Hubs and searched for "setup.exe" files. There appeared a lot of such files (I found also many other files).

However, afterwards, when I selecetd the "Direct Connection" option, I could find not even one setup.exe or any other file (which I found previously - when the selected option was "Firewall with UPnP").

Since I saw in this Forum that the recommended option is "Direct Connection" I would like somebody there to help me to overcome the above mentioned problem (namely, to select the "Direct Connection" and still be able to find files).



You're setup correctly, since Direct Connection is used when somebody is not behind a router and their software firewall permits ApexDC++ to the correct ports automatically.

This is intentional behaviour, and you should stick to the Firewall option (because you are after all, behind a firewall). :P

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You're setup correctly, since Direct Connection is used when somebody is not behind a router and their software firewall permits ApexDC++ to the correct ports automatically.

This is intentional behaviour, and you should stick to the Firewall option (because you are after all, behind a firewall). :P

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