
Web Server

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go to file / settings / advanced

find the option "enable webserver" and turn it on

then, go to file / settings / advanced / experts only

change the default port for webserver (put something like 12345) and then try to access it via your browser as following:


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go to file / settings / advanced

find the option "enable webserver" and turn it on

then, go to file / settings / advanced / experts only

change the default port for webserver (put something like 12345) and then try to access it via your browser as following:


never find anything...

under explorer, under firefox, no way...




with http:// in front it is strange

not even by cmd and telnet...

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try this, step-by-step:

1. Open your Apex, click on the File menu, then Settings

2. Find, on the left side, option named Advanced and select it

3. On the right side, you'll see a list of checkboxes, scroll them down, until you find checkbox saying "Enable Webserver" and turn it on (check it / mark it / make it checked)

4. Find, on the left side again, option named "Experts only" (right below option "Advanced") and select it

5. On the right side, in the upper side of the dialog, you'll see a Webserver section, containing fields "Port", "User" and "Password", configure those fields how ever you like (try not to leave the default things there), for ex. Port:12345, User:apex123, Password:apexpass456

6. Close Apex / Run Apex again

7. Open your web browser and type in the address bar: http://localhost:12345 (or whatever port you have entered in step 5)

8. If the correct login page appears, log in with your User/Password entered in step 5.

this worked for me, so, give it a try..

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try this, step-by-step:

1. Open your Apex, click on the File menu, then Settings

2. Find, on the left side, option named Advanced and select it

3. On the right side, you'll see a list of checkboxes, scroll them down, until you find checkbox saying "Enable Webserver" and turn it on (check it / mark it / make it checked)

4. Find, on the left side again, option named "Experts only" (right below option "Advanced") and select it

5. On the right side, in the upper side of the dialog, you'll see a Webserver section, containing fields "Port", "User" and "Password", configure those fields how ever you like (try not to leave the default things there), for ex. Port:12345, User:apex123, Password:apexpass456

6. Close Apex / Run Apex again

7. Open your web browser and type in the address bar: http://localhost:12345 (or whatever port you have entered in step 5)

8. If the correct login page appears, log in with your User/Password entered in step 5.

this worked for me, so, give it a try..

absolutely nothing really strange.......... anyway I use logmein or vnc and it is okey,

but it's really funny to understand why can't find localhost web server.... boh

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maybe your machine is firewalled, or has an antivirus software that blocks incoming packets..?

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maybe your machine is firewalled, or has an antivirus software that blocks incoming packets..?

Yep that works just dandy, or it did for me, just used my own port numbers that i chose and my own p/w....I also used the IP address for my my machine, it did not like the local host...127. address.

Handy thing, keeps from having to open windows in the client.

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Yep that works just dandy, or it did for me, just used my own port numbers that i chose and my own p/w....I also used the IP address for my my machine, it did not like the local host...127. address.

Handy thing, keeps from having to open windows in the client.'s really funny now, absolutely no firewall now, clean install, tried with explorer, chrome, firefox, changed port, no way

always the same page:


Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage

Most likely causes:

You are not connected to the Internet.

The website is encountering problems.

There might be a typing error in the address.


What can it be? Apex setting are ok, web server enable ok, port 12345... it's really strange. :(

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Hello i stumbled on to this problem myself and found that it was actually listening on that port by using the netstat -a command.

What i found out was rather strange though it wont listen on or localhost but it WILL listen on my lan-ip adress (usually aswell as public ip ofcourse with the right portforwards.

So try that out and get back with your results.

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