
Copy search results to clipboard

1 post in this topic


I almost forgot this, and it was the feature I was needed a lot :P

When I search for some files, I always wanted to be able to access all those data in a more accessible way, for example, to copy it to a text editor and perform some Regular Expression on it, to be able to categorize/classify that data..

So, shortly:

- when selected, all search results can be copied to clipboard in a similar format to this:

User="nick1" Hub="hubname5" File="file5.txt" Size="123456" TTH="..."

User="nick2" Hub="hubname3" File="file2.txt" Size="456" TTH="..."

User="nick3" Hub="hubname2" File="file3.txt" Size="1456" TTH="..."

User="nick4" Hub="hubname6" File="file1.txt" Size="46" TTH="..."

Or something similar, at least I'd like to be able to copy all the available info, of selected search results, to the clipboard.

Thanks a lot if you implement this!

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