
Better search in queue

2 posts in this topic


My problem is that Queue is growing and growing, because I put the elements to it in Paused state - to remember that later I need them all.

For this type of usage I need some help to find elements.

Sometime I remember only some substring. But now I cannot search the Queue, only list it, and order it.

Very hard to find "something Enya".

If I can filter the queue items, or I can search for substrings (just like in another user's filelist, or in hub), this would be better.

Some filtered view needed where I can search for more elements in queue, like substring, size, user, etc., and I can order the listview in the result.

This would be very good function.


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It is crazy to have so large download queue ( you must be a heavy leecher with bad cable :P ) and also the pause state...hmm...never have used the pause state feature. Should it be easier that you copy the downloads which you wanna put in to the pause state in the notepad instead...with the TTH string :)

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