
Set auto reconnect

3 posts in this topic

I was pointed out from one in my hub that when he was kicked the auto reconnector always 0 sets the ban time in YnHub, if there would be a setting to set when auto reconnect would take place it would help alot.

Hope you understand hehe

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are you talking agout sg like this?


when getting a string ( not "script" s written in that topic's first note ... hehe, please forgive me, been spent too many hours-days-weeks with stupid and stupid scripts, and i'm even having them in my dreams ;):P ) like containing the part "ban" "hammer" then look for another part ( getstring() or sg, cannot remember which was it :) ) like "xx:yy" or "xxh" "xh" "x hours" ( where x and y are numerci characters ) and use a built in delay in the reconnect automation which adds like xx*60*60 + yy*60 time until the next reconnect trigger .... i would definetally love it, as ... i have a computer again ^_^ ... but sometimes cannot even have a look at them for days ... and if anything could go wrong ... it may save longlong hours or waiting for both me, and for those who try to download from me ... excuse me .. i meant US -_-

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