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Fix: "Turn on your tags!"

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Statement of problem

Due to ApexDC++ being a new modification, many hub operators haven't already heard about the program and created tags for it to be identified in their hub. This in turn results to message similiar to above.


Once the hub operator has evaluated the client he may allow the ApexDC++ tag in his hub. If he doesn't, you need to use the emulation feature in ApexDC++. You can do this by following the instructions below:

  1. Add the hub you're wanting to enter to your favourites (type /fav in main chat or right click on the hub tab)
  2. Right-click on the hub emulation needs to be set to and choose "Properties"
  3. Now just tick the box "Emulate DC++ in this hub"
Hope this helps. :)

Related Guides: Emulation Explained

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