OP Skalman

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About OP Skalman

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  1. [BUG][0.1.0]Hubcommand doesn´t work

    I´m there already ;)
  2. [BUG][0.1.0]Hubcommand doesn´t work

    Any chance that they can help me "move around" $UserCommand 255 7 for me ??? Skalman
  3. [BUG][0.1.0]Hubcommand doesn´t work

    SDC 2.01 - nope not working vanilla DC++ 0.694 - nope not working. DCDM 0.049 - yes older version SDC - yes PeerWebDC - yes Zion - yes
  4. [BUG][0.1.0]Hubcommand doesn´t work

    hehehe....nope There is nothing wrong with the hubcommands - it just don´t work with ApexDC++ What info do you want ?
  5. [BUG][0.1.0]Search for user doesen´t work

    Opppsss Haven´t seen that in any client before. (whats the point with enter ?)
  6. [BUG][0.1.0]Hubcommand doesn´t work

    I will give you all the information you want...... Here is the hubcommand. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- <<botname>> Installerar <nick> hubb kommandon. (Conf by[OP]Skalman
  7. I have made some own hubcommand that comes automatic everytime I (and the other OP´s) log in. I works perfect with all other client (PeerWeb for example) But not in this client. Not even when I manually (with +owner) tryes. Feed tells me.... [19:21:47] <-SF02
  8. Under the userlist there is a searchbox to find a user. That doesnt work in my ApexDC++ (binary) :)
  9. [PWDC++ BUG] crash

    I use version 0.41 and this crash happends to me on a daily basis I use Windows XP profesional and have a P4 with 1024 mb memory. Please fix this bug in your next realese, beacuse I really like the client :blushing: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Code: c0000005 Version: 0.41 Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2006-03-11 13:39:44 TTH: UCAUHQNNKV2TE65Y5Q7C2TFCIQ7QY2W3FBQWTGI l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\downloadmanager.cpp(667): DownloadManager::on l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\speaker.h(69): Speaker<UserConnectionListener>::fire<UserConnectionListener::X<2>=0x01CACC00,UserConnection *=0x04ECFE70,unsigned char *=0x04ECFE80,unsigned int> l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\userconnection.h(414): UserConnection::on l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\speaker.h(60): Speaker<BufferedSocketListener>::fire<BufferedSocketListener::X<3>=0x00000000,unsigned char *=0x04ECFF24,int> l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\bufferedsocket.cpp(372): BufferedSocket::threadRead l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\bufferedsocket.cpp(486): BufferedSocket::run l:\lf share\unshared\client\pwdc\client\thread.h(146): Thread::starter f:\vs70builds\3077\vc\crtbld\crt\src\threadex.c(241): _threadstartex kernel32!0x7C80B50B: GetModuleFileNameA