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Posts posted by burek

  1. this is not possible because if you merge 2 folders into one name, you will not be able to recognize 2 different files with same name/path

    for example



    those are 2 different files with same subpath and file name

    after merging:


    you will have:



    which surely is an ambiguous thing

  2. Hi,

    Could you implement something like mIRC aliases?

    It works like this:

    1. user types in something like: /aliasss 1 2 3 (params)

    2. ApexDC looks up in its aliases list to find alias named 'aliasss' and if it does, it executes command(s) associated with that alias

    the list of aliases could be something like:

    <alias_name1> <alias_definition1>

    <alias_name2> <alias_definition2>

    <alias_name3> <alias_definition3>

    for example:

    /kick !kick [%1] [%2]

    /reg !regnew [%1] 1|!regpass [%1] [%2]

    /slap +me slaps [%1] with a [%file:slaps.txt]


    - alias "/kick" has 2 params (nick and reason) so you would simply type: /kick nick reason

    - alias "/reg" has also 2 params (nick and password) but it has 2 commands to execute in order to register one new nick, meaning, if we type "/reg nick pass" it will execute these commands: "!regnew nick 1" and "!regpass nick pass"

    - alias "/slap" has 1 param (nick) and has another parameter [%file:filename] which reads a random text line from a file named <filename> which is located in the root of apex installation folder (in this example "slaps.txt")

    I think this would be a very nice and user friendly feature, allowing users to have some fun on hubs while downloading what they want :thumbsup: and the most important part is, you don't need to use your mouse every often, since you can do most of action by typing aliases on your keyboard..

    Thanks in advance.

  3. Hi,

    Could you implement something like CTRL+TAB, but CTRL+1, CTRL+2, CTRL+3 (or ALT+1, ALT+2, ...) which will switch the current window to the 1st, 2nd, etc window in ApexDC? (something like that mIRC has as a feature)

    Thanx in advance.

  4. I see no results in search spy :(


    Correction, I don't see any results in search spy, with the option "Hide share in this hub" set in favorite hubs list, for that hub..

    Since, I'm an admin/op there, I must have this info to have some statistics based on these results..

    How can I turn these results on, without having to enable share?

  5. When first started, after a clean install of v1.0.0 in the File - Settings - Connection Settings, there is an odd radio button selected (firewall, with manual port forwarding) with an ip address of "".

    I suggest you to make the "direct connection" radio button selected by default and clear the IP text box.

  6. I have a lot of user commands added, and when I add a new user command, and try to move it on top of all the others, it just doesn't go up. It stays at the bottom. And after a couple of times going to File - Settings - User commands, and adjusting a new command position to be on top, it appears somewhere in the middle of the list, and next time it really places the command at the top position..