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About darkhorse

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  1. I have a problem with Apex. Please, help me if you can

    Ok. I have already fix my problem with the connection. It was a problem with the router (about to open the ports). Sorry for asking something that I must have known, but it was for me very strange that I could enter some hubs and not some others. That was the reason cause I open this line on the forum. If I wouldn't be able to enter in any hub it was been to me more usual, but in some... :thumbsup: Thank You for your help :P
  2. I have a problem with Apex. Please, help me if you can

    Thank you Zlobomir, i'll try to enter an contact with you on TGO. If not today or tomorrow (i'm bussy with my work), as soon as i can. Ps: every day that pass I'm more sure that the problem is about the connection (and there's not a bug or anything wrong with apex, but with my connection).
  3. I have a problem with Apex. Please, help me if you can

    Thank You Satan for your answer. I have torun off, as you say, the UAC, and hope SP1 fix that bug, but i think my problem is another, couse continue with UAC desactivated. I think is something about conecttion, but don't know what it is. Anybody has have the same problem: can connect to some hubs (and chat, and upload, but nort download) and not to some others (instead of appears the word "connected" when connecting, but not doing anything more) Thanks again
  4. Hello. First of all, excuse me for my english, I don't talk very well. I try to explain the best I can. And sorry if this question it's already in the forum (I've look for that, but don't find anything) I'm using Apex++ 1.0.0B5, but til yersterday i was using the last stable version, and also i have try to solve the error installing the original DC++ client, but the error continue. Until three or four days before, all it works fine. Suddenly i have had a problem: when I connect to "some" of my favorites hubs, apears me the "connection...", and, "Connected" too, but i can't see anything in the chat window nor in the list of users. Appears as conected, but really i'm not conected. In other hubs, i can enter (like always), and can upload files, but I can't download even filelists. In that hubs I can chat with the others users without any problem. I'm using Windows Vista, and the one thing that i have done is desactivate the UAC (User Account Control), cause i thougth that thas maybe the problem. Althought i enter as administrator, some times i have seen a message about something like "Apex can't write on (anything i don't remember well, sorry again)", but desactivating the UAC on Vista that problem appears to be solved. Of course, Apex have all permisions to execute and to pass over the Windows firewall I have prooved with DC++, but it's the same. And it's as I have said from three or four days ago til now, before that day i have no problems. I don't think it's about conection, cause anything on my conections settings have changed from four days to now. Please, if anyone can help me, I would be greeted. Again sorry for my english, and thanks for your help.