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Everything posted by oXo

  1. bug- window menu

    hi, first of all- great program so thanks a lot for it... when i use the 0.4.0 version (i tried also the new 1.0.0 beta 4 version and it was the same as much as i can remember) and press on the menu on the "window" button- in order to close disconnected hubs, close hubs beneath the threshold etc'... the menu that opens is refreshing endlessly the windows (or tabs) list under "window". you can see it getting larger for a split second and then getting smaller.... the only way to stop it is by closing the process in the task manager.. do you know this problem? is there a way for it to be fixed? maybe disable the refresh? or the viewing of windows under the window menu? also is there a way to connect multiple hubs in the public hubs? (pressing the Shift is not doing it..) 10q very much :)