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Posts posted by rdselth

  1. Hey,

    Speedtest.net doesn't have a server in my country..so I went to broadbandreports.com, where I usually go :)

    I also took out the ISP and Time just because :P The rest is unedited.

    Netminder eh? I've never heard of it. I'll have to check it out! Thanks for the tip..

    This varies though. I've had as high as 50/40..

  2. This hub used to be an only LAN one. However this year certain outsiders are allowed to connect. Being that my upstream capabilities are MUCH greater than the average user, I don't want to call attention to myself by uploading at great speed to outsiders. (I also don't want to throttle my upstream over LAN).

  3. Hey,

    I followed the guide to installing the PG plugin and got it working, I also added a few subnets to ban...but my problem is I want to ban all outside connections from the LAN.

    Or moreover, I want only connections from my subnet range to be able to connect... MMM.MMM.x.x sort of deal (these are also WAN IPs)

    I tried adding a filter in that would block - my range, then anything higher, but it didn't work.

    Does anybody know how to go about doing this or how to add in all IPs minus my block?

