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Everything posted by Lordy

  1. [Support] Can't compile

    Thanks, I've checked and exactly the same Versions. Changed it still and have same errors. If WRT and STL wrong must be more other errors, or ? I've placed your ddraw.h in my dir \PlatformSDK\include . Is it ok ? any others ideas ?
  2. [Support] Can't compile

    Ok, which Versions of WTL and STL i need ? Ok, I've installed DirectX SDK (Feb.2007) and registered include path to ddraw.h, but didn't work. Ok, said detailed what to do for it, please.
  3. [Support] Can't compile

    thx for answer. File is exactly on this place. Look also : but this errors 2-9 must do with the file ddraw.h. Where must be the file ? Or which other more where ? error 1 i've no idea ..... I#ve found no any guide to input and modify for wmplayersdk, directxsdk or other stuff how must import for compile ApexDC !! I'm very proud to find many posts here so a lot of errors now away, but these 2 errors are heavy. Example : In file Hubframe.cpp is an error since many versions from StrongDC too. For the variabel m_bVertical miss a line. Take this bool in it and it works: ....... #include "../client/pme.h" HubFrame::FrameMap HubFrame::frames; HubFrame::IgnoreMap HubFrame::ignoreList; bool m_bVertical; <<<------- int HubFrame::columnSizes[] = { ........
  4. [Support] Can't compile

    I've same problems. Fehler 1 fatal error C1010: Unerwartetes Dateiende während der Suche nach dem vorkompilierten Header. Haben Sie möglicherweise vergessen, im Quellcode "#include "stdafx.h"" einzufügen? y:\apexdc040\windows\itunescominterface_i.c 141 Fehler 2 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDraw' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26287 Fehler 3 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDraw' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26290 Fehler 4 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDrawSurface' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26294 Fehler 5 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDrawSurface' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26297 Fehler 6 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDraw' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26421 Fehler 7 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDraw' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26433 Fehler 8 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDrawSurface' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26446 Fehler 9 error C2061: Syntaxfehler: Bezeichner 'IDirectDrawSurface' d:\programme\microsoft visual studio\vc\platformsdk\include\strmif.h 26458 error 1 : I've install wmplayer9sdk and it is found. So no more errors by wmp.h . Also i've installed directxsdk (Feb.2007) and register in vc++ include-programmdirs. But this iTunes error still apply. I've seen your first link and the answer, but i can't make it. Can you or other detailed helping what to do ? errors 2-9 : Same with the ddraw.h. I found them, i'm imported them, i've registered the include directory, but it dosn't work. I need also detailed help, please. P.S. : You see in code i'm german, soo sorry for my little bad english.