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Everything posted by Errant

  1. Hi. We're using Apex DC++ in our LAN for sharing files (well, indeed it's slightly modified version, with own graphics, installer, changed default settings etc.). Where is also some hellish-laggin standalone chat program for our users to communicate. It will be very-very nice feature (for all users who use DC on LAN) to have some kind of message board and (not so important) an ability to see a list of offline users, and a way to send them messages. This will be the great reason for users to switch to DC++ chat and finally unistall standalone chat. I do understand that DC++ is for global-file-sharing mostly and features i mentioned needs some changes in hubs software too. Offline users list is unimplementable on internet hubs because of the fact that users don't need to be registered to gain access to hub (i think so, maybe it's not correct). But message board, i think, is very useful even on internet. So.. If features i ask is not reasonable to implement in general release of Apex, maybe someone could show me the way how can I made it by myself? I've just thought about adding some bot and programm him to act as a message board and maybe chat history provider. For example, i sending him any message and recieve a list of messages posted by another users, or i sending him some command with message and he's remembering it, and pm-ing it to all other users. Can this be done, and if "yes" - how? i've typed too many words & part of message was maybe offtopic, sorry.. Hope somebody will answer :)