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About BigHawk

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  1. Problems Downloading

    Hi Right a few of us have now reinstalled apex v0.4.0 and the same problem is still there like i say if you then install another client into apex folder and use apex setting everything works fine. so any ideas would be great Cheers
  2. Problems Downloading

    Some are between 50-150miles from me. I will get some of them to try reinstalling apex and post back on how we get on thanks for help so far Hawk
  3. Problems Downloading

    hub is running PtokaX as for is it only ops with the problem. As far as i know yes but dont have any normal users that use apex Cheers for reply :D
  4. Problems Downloading

    Hi Guys Any ideas on the following problem A few ops in my hub use apex 0.4.0 which to start with they have had no problems. But last few weeks they have had problems downloading from each other. when you goto download filelist you just get a timeout message. But if then the other user grants a slot filelist will start to download. Then when download of a program has started you will get timedout again. Untill a slot again is granted. This download then will stop again and wait untill slot is granted. maybe a few times during the download We know firewalls/routers are not a problem. And also autogranting a slot to said users will not work. also some of the users have switched clients to full dc and now have no problems Any ideas