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Everything posted by Olorin

  1. We are now hiring

    so you will develop a weel again? Then we will develop a bike. It's a very big job!!! To much time. New expereance, new bugs and new logic...
  2. We are now hiring

    Could you merge with linuxdc?! Please! They work with DC core. And they work and think as your team! https://launchpad.net/linuxdcpp Also there is a FreeDC http://code.google.com/p/freedcpp/ linuxdc based.
  3. Translators needed

    Keep the beginning tag (<??????>) and the ending (</??????>). You should replace only the text between the tags like: <Beginning ???="???">Beginning</Beginning> -->> <Beginning ???="???">Начало</Beginning>
  4. Translators needed

    Translation file is a textfile maked with extendable markup language (xml). Encoding is utf-8. Oh, people! Could you post an english xml, please?
  5. Translators needed

    Hi! I can help with russian. Could you include me in your mailing list, please.
  6. Windows routing script for LANs

    To prevent the questions: My ISP uses the PPTP to share the Internet. If I have no routes sat and make up the PPTP, the tunnel is unstable and slow, no connectivity to the LAN, DNS requests are slow. IF I USE ROUTES, THERE IS 50-70 Mbits/s AVERAGE DOWNLOAD DC++ SPEED IN LAN!!! UPLOAD SPEED IS UP TO 95 Mbits/s. The attached version is 12.0.2 Many ISPs use additional connections like ppp, pppoe, IPSec tunnels. So there is routing table tune is needed to prevent downloading through the tunnels because of the automated ' mask through the PPP gateway' route adding. If you need LAN you should use ' route' or ' route'. This makes operating system use your LAN connection but the tunnels. All of used routes got with RFCs: https://www.nic.ru/whois/en/?query= - http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1918.html and others... Also there can be your own LAN routes (like for me. Those addresses are routable through my ISP LAN - name servers, ISP sites, ISP DC, VoIP, torrent and other stuff servers). So you can post your additions here but you should use the PM. TO ADD YOUR ISP PERSONAL ROUTES TO THE PACKAGE: 1) I need to watch your cmd output after 'nslookup .' command line execution. (Yes, there is a dot. The dot is the root of the national domain zones) 2) I need the destination address, mask and metric for this route like ' 1' or ' metric 1' 3) Post this data to my PM (the best way), to this tread (deprecated way). COMPATIBILITY: 1) Full: Win 2k/XP any SP 32bit 2) Partially: Vista and Server 2008 32bit - if you pass through the idiot defence system, the routes will be sat. 3) Not tested: Win 9x/ME/NT, 64bit 4) Not tested: posix systems through the Wine to watch the script abilities - but the routes won't be added. FEEDBACK IS NEEDED 1) Vista/Server 2008 - I hope someone will help me to pass through the idiot Vista defence - idea or the CMD code. 2) That can be great if you patch or graduate the script - use PM to merge. 3) Win9x - does it work under the Win 9x/ME/NT4??? 4) Other versions of the Windows HISTORY - 12.0.2: LAN gateway addresses are marked now as LAN (for example, - any address from - 12.0.1: bugfix: gateway addresses are all shown now. Not only the last from ipconfig output. - 12.0.0: the code is rewritten throughout. More automated and more reliable. - 10.0.29: there it Bulgarian language now. - 10.0.28: the dinamic menu key grabber is rewritten with assembler and the IPv6 check is also rewritten. This script comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; view the http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for details. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; view the http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html for details. routing.zip
  7. Chat search

    It's not important. But it can be great if I can rightclick the nick and choose the "get user posts" and client then open a new tab where will be all %userNI% posts, kept in that chat tab, where was right click. It can be made as writing all posts needed to a text file and opening that file in a new tab. Thanks. ps. It's less than not important it's just comfortable at times. pps Happy new year! ppps I use 1.2b - it's great. I had no crashes all time I use it. Thank you.
  8. I have 7 hubs opened at a time. All in a LAN. Many people uses all hubs at one time, so if one of them tries to load a file, he links to me from 3-5 hubs at a time, flooding my slots. There is limiter by ID needed. ID is cummulative property of a user=[ip, all tag fields, exact share, nick]. So if one parameter like nick is not the same, the user still defined as known and linked user to prevent new connections from him. And parameters showld be rated. For example, same share or IP is a miracle. Also I can flood the same way other users and the limiter is needed even here.
  9. OK :shifty: You can read Big Muscul posts above He have already thought about some ways :yahhooo:
  10. you are right. But the protocol will not be patched. The client wiil be patched because of some troubles in nmdc.
  11. I have crashed 1.1.0

    Code: c0000005 (Access violation) Version: 1.1.0 (Jun 10 2008) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2008-08-23 20:43:51 TTH: F6EZUIGJN4SAKTNOSHPXV5OGFRNTRLBUQJ63UOQ d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\chatctrl.cpp(780): ChatCtrl::onGetList d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\chatctrl.h(64): ChatCtrl::ProcessWindowMessage d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlwin.h(3976): ATL::CContainedWindowT<ATL::CWindow=0x00BD6520,ATL::CWinTraits<1442840576=0x00000111,0> >::WindowProc USER32!0x7E368734: GetDC USER32!0x7E368816: GetDC USER32!0x7E3689CD: GetWindowLongW USER32!0x7E368A10: DispatchMessageW d:\development\includes\wtl\atlapp.h(992): WTL::CMessageLoop::Run d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\main.cpp(432): Run 0x00E30410: ? ApexDC!0x004448C1: MainFrame::FileListQueue::`scalar deleting destructor' ApexDC!0x0045EBCD: [thunk]:MainFrame::`vector deleting destructor' 0x8351F8E4: ? _______________________________________ I have just tried to load the filelist (right click in PM) from the user which have been reconnecting that time. I'm a hero - the first crash after more than 2 months.
  12. I have already posted about. But there can be difficulties with determining the unique host by IP. Let's try another position: TPC/IP frame contains the origin mac or NAT ID. Could you do the limiter "one segment^file at a time from one unique host" without any linking with nicks or IPs. It's really annoying when users ddosing me by 5 links from 5 hubs. Also you can determine an unique host by {nick, IP, exact share, tag}=ID. If you don't want to use the simle ways, use macs and nat ids from frames. It's really needed because of the effectivenes of the multisource.
  13. One link to one opponent host

    Do we can get the NAT ID from the frame?
  14. One link to one opponent host

    Russia Moscow. Metronet provider NetByNet has already more than 150 kUser. ns.ti.ru. Our host links are 10 Gbit/s ringed fiber channels. :shining: But we have no such hubs, only hopes. Only up to 5000. And approx. 6000-7000 dc users at all because of low awareness. Also chats infulences the popularity - noone needs to be spoiled (even worce) through the chat because of low qualification of a NetByNet employee responsible for the hubs. We have only up to 250 TB hub shares. :sad: ;)
  15. Vista testers needed

    Testers under Vista needed. The script is listed below. It's for testing cmd.exe extended execution options. @echo off setlocal if "%1"=="start" goto :%1 cmd.exe /q /d /v /c call %0 start goto :eof :start set VAR=before if "%VAR%" == "before" ( set VAR=after if "!VAR!" == "after" (echo Ok) else (echo No) ) echo on set LIST= for /l %%i in (1,1,3) do set /a LIST=!LIST!+%%i if "%LIST%"=="3" (echo Ok) else (echo No) pause Please, execute the script and vote at the poll.
  16. Fastest Download Speed?

    :B I have had a 200 megabits per second on 1Gbit/s LAN uplink. It's not fast because the sources upload speed limitations added: Also it's because the apex. But I have a ****y WAN uplink - 80000 bit/s. he-he
  17. Vista testers needed

    up People! Come on, help me, please!
  18. For Olorin - Testers

    Sorry, but the files were deleted. Topic is closed. Thanks.
  19. One link to one opponent host

    There are no adc hubs at our lan. Don't you thought about the users, changed their cid??? Or diffentent cids for different hubs. TCP Frames are not editable by users as tags or cids!!! Why don't you try to make it?! NMDC became a standart and administrators think it's not good to migrate. Also I have already tried an ADC hub. There are many probabilities to pass trough the cid. Yes, it needed to graduate to transport layer but it will make the client the great over the others. It's already more than a simple client, especially after stability release. It forces loading. So make the forcing greater. It's really needed at big metronets > 150000 users. Could you think about the idea? This overheads nmdc and adc both by strength. PS just rememberd where I have seen the nick! My great please talking to you.
  20. On crashes I lose my ratio. For example, using the 1.0.1 I have already lost more than 1TB of uploaded traffic!!! Don't you think it's not good? Developers, you should autosave the uploaded/downloaded traffic values "on next time" or "on next 10 GB". I think this should be changable because of link speed issues - some releasers upload 10GB in 90 seconds up to the 100Mb full duplex link speed limit. And some people reaches this point in 1 week... Kickes causes crashes!!! :E CHECK IF USER IN THE LIST BEFORE YOU GET THE %[userNI] !!!! :E I'M CRYING!!! EVERY FLOODER MAKES ME DOWN!!! PLEASE!!! added: I have already lost 2 terabytes!!!!!!!! Of uploaded traffic!!!!!!!! Patch your "stable" version, please.
  21. problems with ratio and crashes on kicks

    heh - bot registers the /r values and unusual values gaps makes hub rating smaller. Also we register which files user searches and loads. There are many ways to kill the cheating bill.
  22. problems with ratio and crashes on kicks

    ya-ya, :B , zer gut! A great opinion! I use "book English", no talk practice... so... ups :B
  23. problems with ratio and crashes on kicks

    errr - I haven't lost any data, but I have lost that text value!!! There is a bot, counting this values from /r output. So I'm losing rating points.
  24. problems with ratio and crashes on kicks

    I can edit any text config. but I don't do it! It's not my way. You should store this value in a secured file (as you should store an adc id also!!!) to prevent users from leaching by this way. I think you can sign the file using TLS sertificates every edit time to prevent the editing. Also you can use a hashdata file structures to encript secured store. It can be a great thing for hub owners. And what about checking if user in the list??? Before retrieving his nick? Or making a user properties array at the click moment?