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Posts posted by Helshad

  1. Hi the file thats always missing is not downloaded because its already downloaded as example sample file for a DVD.

    if you unmark in Queue in Apex "dont download files already in share" you will get it to work as it should do.

    /best regards


    Actually... we removed that setting a long time ago when we realized it was causing trouble... we still get one missing file when we do big transfers... Note.. we dont get an error or anything... its just one file not there when we do checks on the files after transfers is done according to apex 0.4.0 ... thats all...

    Ive been testing over the week and I still get the problem when I do big transfers... (around 4.5 GB) hehehe

    But as I said.. its no big deal... if anyone figures it out or manage to replicate the problem just let me know... I´ll pop in and check this thread from time to time... :)

  2. Between post IDs 5 and 6 please imagine my post with proposition to test different clients inside and outside Hamachi.

    I really sorry for this mess, imo now the topic looks a little better...

    Now mine zips must be downloaded and ready for testing, watch for results. :D

    Np... Doing a test again myself now to see if it misses a file again... changed a few settings to check... I´ll be back with results... if any... hehehe

  3. I have a feeling you edited in my post so I almost missed this stuff... :)

    Anyway... I´ll try and test without and with hamachi and different clients... but we are pretty sure this is a apex related thingy... we used other clients before we found apex and used hamachi back then too... and it wasnt until we shifted over to apex that we got the problem... anyway.. its no big deal... we just made a habit out of rerunning the download once it was down to fix missing files... hehehe

    Sadly I am bit low on time to be testing big transfers like those so I will have to get back on that later if I find anything...

  4. OK, IMHO we need to check this and see the results... Please follow the topic for development...

    I should add that we all use apex... no other clients... could be a factor in itself... we havnt tried using different clients to test... (we kinda like apex to much) hehehe

  5. Can you give any examples of file names and extensions, which are missing? Are these multimedia files (specifically, pictures)? If you can't note the exact file, what is the difference in size of the original and received dirs? I have a doubt about smth like Thumbs.db, sorry if sounds stupid.

    filenames are like... dddddd.r01 ... r.02 and so on... its mainly RAR files... and they are usually 50mb in size... :) the files missing are those 50mb files.. but only one from an entire series... 00 to 92 for example nr 43 could be missing.. its different each time...

  6. I did a few searches in the forum but couldnt find anything about it so I will post it here...

    Me and a few friends are all running apexdc++ 0.4.0 ... all the way from 0.2.0 ... and there is one thing thats always have been bugging us...

    If we select a number of files inside a folder (like dingdong\92 files)... download it... and then when we check it always leaves one file out... even if its in the selected amount...

    We all run Win XP SP2 and all patches... we run our clients through hamachi encrypted network (latest version) and use YnHub...

    We just cant figure this one out... none other client act like this... normal dc++ never leave files behind... but apex does...

    There has been occations when it dosnt leave files out and thats when we download small amounts of files... but if its around 90 files in a folder one always get left behind... all we have to do is rerun the selection and it picks it up but its a bit annoying... hehehe

    Not sure where the problem lies... client or whatever... but it happens to several of us and we all use apex...

    Thanx for considering looking at this... I know you guys got lots to do anyway so I will leave it at this... :)

    Very nice app in general.. thats why we still use it... hehehe



  7. I really appriciate the "enligtment" on the subject but it still dosnt explain how I can verify that the transfer I am doing is actually encrypted... :)

    ADC is then the next generation of DC client... I suspect that ApexDC++ is one of those? :)

    All I really wanna know is how to "see" the encryption going on in realtime... or some sort of indication... thats all...

  8. In order to find ADC-compliant hubs, use the following hublist:


    How do I add them do ApexDC++?

    Check this guide out:

    Adding Hublists

    Hope it has helped you...


    It probably will... will have to test that later... but if I got this right... To use the TLS encryption you need a hub that is ADC compliant? hmmmm perhaps I got to find one then... hehehe thanx for the info so far... :)

  9. find an adcs hub :) (they are probably bit hard to come by though)

    you mean a hub wich use certs?? I guess YnHub wont do much good there then... hehehe

    But if I have a friend in the same hub using the same apex version and have TLS activated there is no way to see if we actually use it when transfer anything??