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Hi all. Using latest Apexdc++ for searching for forbidden files and so on with adlsearch. Have 2 raw action, the first to message the opchat and kick user, and the second just as a message to opchat to doublecheck the filelist of the user. The second works fine, but the 1st one, when a user get kicked due to forbidden files, the apexdc client gets connection closed from the hub. In both cases in opchat U can see the message about doublechecking or that a user has been kicked. We have upgraded to the latest version of apexdc today. Would be grateful for help. Raw 1:$To: @BadAssShare From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> <%[userNI]> ----> is being kicked for 30 min because of %[userCT] - %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] - %[userCS]| Raw 2:$To: @BadAssShare From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> <%[userNI]> ----> doublecheck the filelist %[userCT] - %[userCS]| //Miago
Sounds good for me =D Getting used to Apex now, so the more things get incorporated the better Thx again /miss miago :)
Evening... There's no priority field in apexs adl-search strings properties =(...I thought there was but I couldn't find it....I'm used to dcdm, therefor all these questions =D... fileFN doesn't work, tried that also... But thanks for the fast reply =D //miago
Hi again...guess who?? I have a new question, or mabye two... I have put the kick-line in raw1 and the doublechek filelist in raw2. In Adl-search window, I've put all reasons that lead to kick at the top, and all doublecheck at the bottom. But, if a user has both a file that should lead to a kick and a doublecheck file, the command of raw2 executes, eg, we get message to op-chat to doublecheck file list. The user is not being kicked for the other file. (have restarted apex also) Any suggestion on how I can resolve this so that the kick executes first if there is such a file? (I've also tried the reverse, kick as raw2 and message raw1 with same result.) And to the other question.. Is there a possibility to get the whole path to were the forbidden file is in the message to user and the message to opchat? <-[ZZZ]-Checker> <[3Mbit]Nick> ----> doublecheck filelist Shared forbidden file : rld-scht.rar changed to this instead: <-[ZZZ]-Checker> <[3Mbit]Nick> ----> doublecheck filelist Shared forbidden file : Share1/movies/movietitle/rld-scht.rar (I have tried in adl-search options on the file with both filename and fullpath but that does only apply on how it searches) Thx again Edit: "Break on first ADLsearch match" is unchecked in settings.
Hi again I tried them out and the first one works really fine now =D, user gets test3 But the first command in example 1 doesn't happen so I took that away (the one with test1) and I had to take this away too (<%[userNI]> - %[userI4] ) in the to op-chat, it didnt work with it, but without it worked. So now I have this line in raw2: $To: -Op-Chat- From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> <%[userNI]> ----> is being kicked for 30 min because of (test2) %[userCT] - %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] - (test3) %[userCS]| and user doesnt get the client, as you were right that its not that that we want. user: -Hub-bot-> You're kicked 2 time(s), get 3 and you're banned! - Reason: - (test 3) Shared forbidden file : RAR.txt - For more details goto http://blablabla.no-ip.org opchat: <-[ZZZ]-Checker> <[3Mbit]Nick> - XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ----> is being kicked for 30 min because of (test 2) - Shared forbidden file : RAR.txt main: Master -[ZZZ]-Checker kicked user [3Mbit]Nick 2 time(s) - Reason: - (test 3) Shared forbidden file : RAR.txt I really really thank you soooo much for your time, effort and support!!!!! //Miago :)
Hi again guys, I'm back =D I think I know now, the !tempban command doesn't work, but !kick does. I now have this in raw2: $To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being kicked for 30min because: %[userCT] - %[userCS]|$To: -OP-chat- From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> <%[nick]> ----> is being kicked for 30 min because of %[userCT] - %[userCS]|<%[mynick]> !kick %[nick] %[userCT] - %[userCS]| and user test1 gets this: [20:59:07] <-Hub-bot-> You're kicked 1 time(s), get 3 and you're banned! - Reason: Client: DC++ 0.674 - Shared forbidden file : test.of.lolita.mpg - For more details goto http://blablabla.no-ip.org Op-chat get this: [20:59:07] <-[#CLEANER#]-> <test1> ----> is being kicked for 30 min because of Client: DC++ 0.674 - Shared forbidden file : test.of.lolita.mpg and ops and above sees this in mainchat: - [20:59:07] <-Hub-bot-> You're kicked 1 time(s), get 3 and you're banned! - Reason: Client: DC++ 0.674 - Shared forbidden file : test.of.lolita.mpg - For more details goto http://blablabla.no-ip.org Only thing now is that the user doesn't get this in the message "You are being kicked for 30min because:"... But at last I got the "reason" to come up in both opchat and to the user =) //Regards miago
Ok, did a last test again =) Filled in exactly as you wrote the command in raw2.. $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> You are being tempbanned for 2h because: %[fileFN]|$To: %[myNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> <%[userNI]> ----> is being banned for 2h because: %[fileFN]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[fileFN]| Restarted apex from scratch to make sure it took the new rawcommand. In adl-search I made a specific search-string for rar.txt with action raw2 and forbidden file checked. Made a check file list on user and this happened (this is what I saw in mainchat): [23:26:33] *** User [3Mbit]Nick - Shared forbidden file : RAR.txt [23:26:33] <-Hub-bot-> Master -[ZZZ]-Checker kicked user [3Mbit]Nick 1 time(s) - Reason: No reason given! The other ops saw this in mainchat: [23:26:33] <-Hub-bot-> Master -[ZZZ]-Checker kicked user [3Mbit]Nick 1 time(s) - Reason: No reason given! The user who got kicked got this: [23:26:33] <-Hub-bot-> You're kicked 1 time(s), get 3 and you're banned! - Reason: No reason given! - For more details goto http://blablabla.no-ip.org No "reason" attached.....(eg Forbidden file RAR.txt) =( Since this works: $To: -OpChat- From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> <%[userNI]> ----> doublecheck the filelist %[userCT] - %[userCS]| I'm just wondering why userCT and userCS doesn't work in the command with tempban and message to user and opchat... Well well, too tired now I feel head is spinning Thx for now... :)
Ok tested... This is what happened.. User got this: .... You had been temp banned to: 2 hour because: Client: DC++ 0.674 Opchat got this: <-[#CLEANER#]-> <test1> ----> is being tempbanned 2h because of In main this showed: *** test1 with IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX has been temp banned by -[#CLEANER#]- to: 2 hour because: Client: DC++ 0.674 . and the client that runs the "cleaner" got disconnected....and no reason was there The search-string was for lolita mpg and pointed to raw2 (as you wrote the command, but i added pm to opchat in it) and the forbidden file that test1 shared was test.av.lolita.mpg
Gonna try it out tomorrow...thx =D I have a suspicion I've already tried fileFN, but gonna try it again.. Running 0.4.0... Thx again for your help :)
Yes, and we've tried both with action raw1 and raw2 on the files we've searched for to see if something had to do with the search-string. Raw1 always works and sends pm to opchat to doublecheck with reason as it should. Raw2 "works" but doesn't send the reason.
I'm using ADL-search for forbidden files, like porn or rasistmusic or exe files and so on...and on each adl-search-string in properties I point to action raw1 or raw2. (the rawcommands are put in favoritehub properties on raw1 and raw2) Raw1 is the command just sending a pm to opchat that we have to doublecheck the user filelist, and that one works. (see the first post I made here for the command line and what happens) Raw2 should be the command that tempbans user and send them a pm and send a pm to opchat about it, that one "works" for the tempban and pm to user and opchat, BUT, the pm doesn't contain the reason why.(same here, see the first post) I can't figure out why it (as I understand userCS and userCT) works in raw1 but not in raw2. Hope you understand what I'm asking for.... Thank you for your help
I got disconnected trying the commands you wrote that is used in verlihub. The command above "works", the only thing is that the "reason" doesn't appear anywhere, thats the thing I would like to work..maybe I wasn't clear earlier *sry*.... Thx again
Ths RadoX Tried that rawcommand too even though I'm running a ptokax hub. The thing that happend was this: [17:13:53] *** User [ZZZ]nick - Shared forbidden file : RAR.txt [17:13:54] *** Connection closed It showed in main that user had forbidden file, user stayed in hub and I got disconnected with the apexclient, so it doesn't work =D But thanks anyway...better try something then nothing //miago
Hi U all. I really would appriciate some help from U. I've tried all the above commands, but I can't get the kick (I use tempban instead) to work properly for me. It doesnt show reason, nor in mainchat or in pm to opchat or in the pm to the user but it tempbans user. The "doublecheck the filelist" command to opchat works fine. Here are the commands that I have for the moment and what they do: Check users filelist, that works Rawcommand: $To: -OpChat- From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> <%[userNI]> ----> doublecheck the filelist %[userCT] - %[userCS]| What happens: OPchat: <-[ZZZ]-check> <[ZZZ]nick> ----> doublecheck the filelist - Shared forbidden file : RAR.txt Tempban user for forbiddenfiles, that doesn't work Rawcommand: $To: %[nick] From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> You are being tempbanned for 1h because: %[userCT] %[userCS]|$To: -OpChat- From: %[mynick] $<%[mynick]> <%[nick]> ----> is being tempbanned 1h because of %[userCT] %[userCS]|<%[mynick]> !tempban %[nick] 1h %[userCT] %[userCS]| What happens: Main: *** [ZZZ]nick with IP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX has been temp banned by -[ZZZ]-check to: 1 hour because: No reason specified.. OPchat: <-[ZZZ]-check> <[ZZZ]nick> ----> is being tempbanned 1h because of - User: ......1h because of - Can someone please give me some hints on what I'm doing wrong? Sincerly Miago