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Everything posted by Lizard
It would have been nice of you to post that in an extra post TheJackal, but don't mind though :shifty: greetz
Hello I got a problem with my EmoPack. I recognized that it only works fine with Apex DC++ Beta 4, with lower version there seem to be problems! Can anybody help me, maybe RadoX? I took an existing .xml file and rewrote it. Do I have to attend anything? I also think it's a shame that all the EmoPacks aren't normed really! greetz P.S.: I attached 1.3 so maybe people can help me test it and give me some feedback! THX!
Hello everybody, it's me once again, I don't really know what it does, but when Apex crashes once, it crashes over and over again. Now I played back a backup of Apex before it crashed and got no more problems. Hope this helps you somehow. I don't really know, perhabs it does s.th. to the .xml files or something.
Hello peeps, my first crash ever with Apex DC++, didn't really know where to post it: Code: c0000005 (Access violation) Version: 1.0.0B4 (2007-08-07) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2007-08-17 16:16:53 TTH: LW7OUXL2OP7KQLIR3TLPBGKLQE7PEECIS5XVVEI ntdll!0x7C911010: RtlEnterCriticalSection d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\merklecheckoutputstream.h(119): MerkleCheckOutputStream<MerkleTree<TigerHash=0x02ACAF40,1024>=0x00000377,1>::write d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\chunkoutputstream.h(79): ChunkOutputStream<1>::write d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\filteredfile.h(133): FilteredOutputStream<UnZFilter=0x02796FF0,1>::write d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\downloadmanager.cpp(533): DownloadManager::on d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\userconnection.cpp(180): UserConnection::on d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\speaker.h(64): Speaker<BufferedSocketListener>::fire<BufferedSocketListener::X<3>=0x0519FF00,unsigned char *=0x0519FF08,int> d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\bufferedsocket.cpp(263): BufferedSocket::threadRead d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\bufferedsocket.cpp(515): BufferedSocket::checkSocket d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\bufferedsocket.cpp(531): BufferedSocket::run d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\thread.h(161): Thread::starter f:\sp\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\threadex.c(348): _callthreadstartex f:\sp\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\threadex.c(326): _threadstartex
Logan Emo Pack goes 1.2 - It contains now 60 Smilies and Symbols! Enjoy :blushing:
for me too, no bugs and crashes so far, good job!
for me 1.1 is working fine ...
it contains now 43 Smilies by the way ...
Sorry, here it is once again, I sorted the smilies in a better way, looks much better now in the preview
I've worked a bit on the Emo Pack this morning, so here is version 1.1! Enjoy! :)
Yes, sorry for that, I'll carry it on, if I find the time.
Hello everybody, I made this pack for my personal use, because this is my favorite Emo Pack, so I'm going to upload it as is at the moment, let's call it Logan Emo Pack 1.0! Have fun! :lol:
this ia a screenshot from the original pack, though it's not complete for Apex yet:
Ich hab leider generell mit Apex noch keine RAWs zum laufen bekommen, also er kickt zwar usw. aber als Cheating Description gibt er mir in etwa sowas aus: User Soundso - Verbotene Datei Freigegeben: 1 mehr leider nicht, wei
Hallo Teobald, bin der
May I post one screenshot out of bizness? ;)
Yes, I like it simple, but the Vista Icons suite with Apex DC++ I hacked my shell32.dll .... in XP SP2 with ResHacker :)
Hi Teo, there is a DC++ for Symbian, unfortunately I ain't got the URL anymore. :(
You have to delete those two files, I think because you have a new TTH-Root after updating your client and the TTH-Root is indexed in those files. greetz
I tested it now with a standard DC++ Client, same as before: <#[døjø]> Du wurdest gekickt wegen: User Client: DC++ 0.68x - 0.69x // info: Standard User Client - Webpage: http://dcplusplus.sourceforge.net/ Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1 The RAW for this action was as following: $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> Du wurdest gekickt wegen: %[userCM] %[userCS]|<%[myNI]> !kick %[userNI] %[userCM] %[userCS]| So it seems to me, that %[userCS] doesn't work for me, %[userCM] is working fine though. So %[userCS] just seems to tell this:"Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1". No path and filename! I don't get it :unsure:
It does not work unfortunately, I copied the RAW exactly as you posted it here, but the same effect: [13:34:25] <#[repørt]> [Kick] mrmims wurde gekickt von #[døjø] Grund: Verbotene Datei freigegeben: 1
Could you please post the complete RAW for this action? THX! I can't imagine why it doesn't work for me Or is it anything else what I do wrong, maybe the RAW command has to be written in seperate lines? ^_^