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Posts posted by BrotherBear

  1. 3dfx

    dude,most times the problem is in your machine rather than in the software..

    Yes, the usuall answer :w00t:


    looks like a PrivateMessage is causing trouble with the Tabs.

    If you get this often, i would recommend closing hubs, and finding out which hub is sending this pm. Avoid that hub. And also report that hub here so the developers can get an idea of what is going wrong.

    Oki, will test that, Thanks Pothead.

    Big Muscle

    this crash is caused by bug in FlatTabCtrl, WTL or WinAPI, because I noticed that it sometimes sends message in incorrect time. For example, WM_MDIACTIVATE before WM_CREATE (why it wants to activate window before creating it?) and this is easily reproducable by very fast switching and opening new tabs.

    If it is that I open the Search window, then it seems so.


    Brotherbear my recommendation to you is dont use old clients they are a security risk for yourself and others.. update report bugs and be patience..

    Yes I know, but I have not found any Client that is working better then that one :S

    I have patience, alot of Patience :(

    I apologize for my behavior, was pretty sad and mad at the time!

    I know that you guys who is working with this are doing a great job, keep it up m8's :)

  2. Hi RadoX!

    I have sent one piece och the crash log in this thread --->

    And an explanation what I did.

    Will paste the whole Crash log there.

    Yes I know it could be mine computer that cause this.

    I just hoped that this Release could be the one I was looking for, have tried so many Clients in the past 2-3 years, I am missing DCDM++ that was a really good client.

  3. Nobody doesn't force to update to the latest version. StrongDC++ is the most stable DC client ever, so why don't use it? Why do you have to use version 2.2? To complain that it's not stable? Or to say us that you will use different client?

    Because you Say that We should get the newest Client!

    There is a bug, security issue, etc...

    And we do as you say, then we are in the spinn, GET the newest...

  4. Hi again!

    I must say that this is to bad :w00t:

    I have had 3 crashes this evening and it is ApexDC++

    Even tried StrongDC++ 2.2, it's not stable either :(

    I have to go back to FulDC++ 6.79 Beta 2 to have a Stable client !!!

    Nowdays it is to much changes that is made, why not make one change at a time and test it out before release it?

    Damn sorry, but I will not give up, I think you guys will fix this!

    Keep up the good work m8's

  5. Hi!

    Don't know if this was a temporary problem or my computer but paste the Exceptions here!

    Code: c0000005 (Access violation)

    Version: 1.1.0 (Jun 10 2008)

    Major: 5

    Minor: 1

    Build: 2600

    SP: 2

    Type: 1

    Time: 2008-07-15 17:38:06


    d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\excimage.h(159): ResourceLoader::Destroy

    d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\typedlistviewctrl.h(656): TypedTreeListViewCtrl<SearchFrame::SearchInfo=0x028E57C8,1019=0x000082C1,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>=0x028E5438,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash=0x00000000,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash>::~TypedTreeListViewCtrl<SearchFrame::SearchInfo=0x0006EFF8,1019=0x005D0EE8,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>=0x00000016,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash=0x0006EF74,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash>

    d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\searchfrm.h(155): SearchFrame::~SearchFrame

    ApexDC!0x004874FE: SearchFrame::`scalar deleting destructor'

    d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\flattabctrl.h(823): MDITabChildWindowImpl<FavoriteHubsFrame=0x00410D06,0=0x0006EFDC,217=0x00157438,0=0x00410D06,WTL::CM

    DIWindow=0x000082C1,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00000000,64> >::OnFinalMessage

    d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlwin.h(3110): ATL::CWindowImplBaseT<WTL::CMDIWindow=0x00000000,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00000000,64> >::WindowProc

    USER32!0x7E368724: GetDC

    USER32!0x7E368806: GetDC

    USER32!0x7E3689BD: GetWindowLongW

    USER32!0x7E368A00: DispatchMessageW

    PAVSHOOK!0x50275BFD: ?

    0x5FA9000A: ?

    This was when I tried to search (CTRL + S) i noteced that the window did not appear as it should and then the Exception appear.

    Hope this will help you :w00t:

    Best Regards,


  6. something like this should probably do it, not tested so it might need another tweak to make it what you want

    $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> You are being TimeBanned for 2h because: TEST|<%[myNI]> !tban %[userNI] %[line:Time] TEST|$To: 'you opchat nick here' From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> %[userNI] are being TimeBanned for 2h because: TEST|

    Thanks en_dator, worked like a charm :)

    Just one thing, why do I not see it in OpChat, only others ?



  7. Hi!

    How do I send info to OpChat with this Raw Command in Settings/Advance/User Commands?

    $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> You are being TimeBanned for 2h because: TEST|<%[myNI]> !tban %[userNI] %[line:Time] TEST|

    Running ApexDC++ 1.1.0

    Thanks in Advance!



  8. Hi!

    Thanks for this great DC client :)

    I would like to have these features in Apex:

    In Download Queue, Rightclick on a Release/Search for Alternates

    In Main, mark a word, sentence, Rightclick/Search

    In Main, mark a word, sentence, Rightclick/Search TTH

    In Main, mark a word, sentence, Rightclick/Search Sites/ "links to Google, IMDB, etc."

    The Windows System Log

    Thanks in advance :thumbsup:

