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Yes, the usuall answer :w00t: Oki, will test that, Thanks Pothead. If it is that I open the Search window, then it seems so. Yes I know, but I have not found any Client that is working better then that one :S I have patience, alot of Patience I apologize for my behavior, was pretty sad and mad at the time! I know that you guys who is working with this are doing a great job, keep it up m8's :)
Here comes the whole Exceptioninfo.txt file! exceptioninfo.txt I hope this will help you!
Hi RadoX! I have sent one piece och the crash log in this thread ---> http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=2850 And an explanation what I did. Will paste the whole Crash log there. Yes I know it could be mine computer that cause this. I just hoped that this Release could be the one I was looking for, have tried so many Clients in the past 2-3 years, I am missing DCDM++ that was a really good client.
Hi again! I must say that this is to bad :w00t: I have had 3 crashes this evening and it is ApexDC++ Even tried StrongDC++ 2.2, it's not stable either I have to go back to FulDC++ 6.79 Beta 2 to have a Stable client !!! Nowdays it is to much changes that is made, why not make one change at a time and test it out before release it? Damn sorry, but I will not give up, I think you guys will fix this! Keep up the good work m8's
Hi! Don't know if this was a temporary problem or my computer but paste the Exceptions here! Code: c0000005 (Access violation) Version: 1.1.0 (Jun 10 2008) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2008-07-15 17:38:06 TTH: IBTLFZHOTHYQSC46V3GSAMJAJAP5AQLWX2YVKVY d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\excimage.h(159): ResourceLoader::Destroy d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\typedlistviewctrl.h(656): TypedTreeListViewCtrl<SearchFrame::SearchInfo=0x028E57C8,1019=0x000082C1,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>=0x028E5438,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash=0x00000000,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash>::~TypedTreeListViewCtrl<SearchFrame::SearchInfo=0x0006EFF8,1019=0x005D0EE8,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>=0x00000016,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash=0x0006EF74,dcpp::HashValue<dcpp::TigerHash>::PtrHash> d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\searchfrm.h(155): SearchFrame::~SearchFrame ApexDC!0x004874FE: SearchFrame::`scalar deleting destructor' d:\development\apexdc\final\trunk220\trunk\windows\flattabctrl.h(823): MDITabChildWindowImpl<FavoriteHubsFrame=0x00410D06,0=0x0006EFDC,217=0x00157438,0=0x00410D06,WTL::CM DIWindow=0x000082C1,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00000000,64> >::OnFinalMessage d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 9.0\vc\atlmfc\include\atlwin.h(3110): ATL::CWindowImplBaseT<WTL::CMDIWindow=0x00000000,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00000000,64> >::WindowProc USER32!0x7E368724: GetDC USER32!0x7E368806: GetDC USER32!0x7E3689BD: GetWindowLongW USER32!0x7E368A00: DispatchMessageW PAVSHOOK!0x50275BFD: ? 0x5FA9000A: ? This was when I tried to search (CTRL + S) i noteced that the window did not appear as it should and then the Exception appear. Hope this will help you :w00t: Best Regards, BrotherBear
Ahh, thanks for that explanation Crise :)
Thanks en_dator, worked like a charm Just one thing, why do I not see it in OpChat, only others ? Regards, BrotherBear
Hi! How do I send info to OpChat with this Raw Command in Settings/Advance/User Commands? $To: %[userNI] From: %[myNI] $<%[myNI]> You are being TimeBanned for 2h because: TEST|<%[myNI]> !tban %[userNI] %[line:Time] TEST| Running ApexDC++ 1.1.0 Thanks in Advance! Regards, BrotherBear
FulDC++ can fix it :)
Hi! Thanks for this great DC client I would like to have these features in Apex: In Download Queue, Rightclick on a Release/Search for Alternates In Main, mark a word, sentence, Rightclick/Search In Main, mark a word, sentence, Rightclick/Search TTH In Main, mark a word, sentence, Rightclick/Search Sites/ "links to Google, IMDB, TV.com etc." The Windows System Log Thanks in advance :thumbsup: Regards, BrotherBear