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Everything posted by Teobald
Until recently i wasn't running any antivirus or firewall software, when i realised how dangerous that is. Now im running Comodo FW, Windows FW, Avira and MS Security Essentials. As backup scans i have AVG and Malwarebytes installed. No antivirus software was able to remove all the different threads, so it's better to have a few installed. Some trojans even require a special removal tool.
Hallo und willkommen im Forum für ApexDC Hier könnt Ihr Fragen zur Funktionsweise oder über die Einrichtung von ApexDC stellen. Wenn Ihr bestimmte Eigenschaften bisher vermisst habt, dann fragt hier einfach danach. Ich hoffe mal, dass jemand was schreibt auch wenn Ihr alle perfekt englisch könnt :thumbsup: Viel Spass mit Apex
DHT steht für Distributed Hash Table. Es macht ApexDC theoretisch unabhängig von Servern. Jedenfalls was das Suchen und Herunterladen von Dateien betrifft.
Hallo giedeon, was du beschrieben hast, ist sehr ungewöhnlich und mir noch nicht passiert. Bist du sicher, dass du nicht aus Versehen eine Datei heruntergeladen hast? Wenn das noch einmal passiert, gucke mal, was im Download - Fenster angezeigt wird.
Some years back my client of choice was Revconnect and that one had Kademlia built in. So the concept can't be that new or surprising. In no way is it to "violate pre-existing user expectations of the software". It's great the see the feature having a comeback. Well done BM and ofc it should be on as default.
Have you clicked on My Computer and selected a drive?
Also hast du schon andere Clients ausprobiert? Wenn nicht, versuche eine Apex Neuinstallation. Edit: hattest du irgendetwas an deinem System verändert?
Sieht aus, als wärst du zu keinem Hub verbunden.
Someone told me, i would be the only user having this problem.
You guys doing a great job over a long period of time. Thanks for that :P
Yep its a sharing proggy .. thats why i want to block 0 share users from downloading off me.
Du kannst sehen, wer deine Dateien in der Warteschleife hat (Upload Queue oder wartende User). Wenn jeder entscheiden könnte, ob er zu einem User hochladen lä
Hi orbis was den Magenet link so lang werden lässt, ist der darin enthaltene TTH (damit Apex überhaupt wei
We need an updater in the 1st place.
Hello all, my ISP disconnects me every 12-15 hours, then i auto reconnect again while my client is still running and i get another IP. To continue my downloads its very crucial for me to have an IP auto update every 10-20 minutes (not only when i restart my client). I think Zion has a box for auto-updates every 10 mins. That would be a very usefull feature for me. Thnx for the great client Regards Teo
Still having the same problem . There are even hubs not letting me back in after my IP changed. And in those hubs i can get back in, my downloads wont resume. The conclusion is .. i cant keep ApexDC running like my other p2p programs (which are all updating the IP everytime it changes). So .. is there any chance to get such an updater? Regards Teo
I think this idea aint bad. How about a secondary limiter which goes per user (additionally to the global limiter)? So the faster downloader wont use all the bandwidth and leave only a tiny rest for the others. EDIT: Probably not as great as i first thought
You can disable the Avatars on certain webpages (like google, because its simply too busy there). And they have way better Avatars than the ones shown on their website (you can upload your own too). And u can put the avatars on your windows taskbar .. so they dont disturb as much reading the site. *LOL* too bad you're such a big Opera fan ;)
Hiya peeps there is a new chat program .. which i find absolutely amazing. Its called Weblin (www.weblin.com) It makes you and others visible as small avatars on webpages. If there are others on the same webpage you are on right now, then u can chat (private and open) with them. Thats great for special interest websites (like gaming or other tech sites). If u got questions etc. So if you gonna check it out .. i'll be here on ApexDC with my Avatar Teobald (little green dragon). p.s. its absolutely free (and im in no way involved lol)
Hi guys could you pin this guide? Its the most important guide for new users.
Hi [T] = TTH tree available (file is being verified during the download) [Z] = transfer compressed using ZLIB [R] = rollback used for continuation = trusted encrypted transfer [C] = chunked transfers (not there yet) = untrusted encrypted transfer [P] = partial file sharing sourceen habe ich im Moment noch keine Antwort ..
Hey at least one friendly looking character .. all the others looking absolutely mental lmao *just kidding*. :(
Hey peeps you can create your own Simpsons Avatar here http://www.simpsonsmovie.com/ :thumbsup: The pic shows how i'd look like in the simpsons