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Everything posted by warwick

  1. [1.3.1] flag prob

    hy, Flags are not shown in the user list in 1.3.1 x86-32 version. I have the same problem with version 1.3.0. only 1.2.0 is showing flags / Ip... nb: Geoip update ok for all clients... thanks for help . Warwick EDIT: sorry , prob resolved in another post.
  2. Compiling ApexDC++

    Last STLport 6 sorry for delay
  3. Compiling ApexDC++

    yeah, but SDK for seven OS is required for version 1.3.1 of Apex. Updated client required always new codes, librairies and .h ... WarWick !
  4. Compiling ApexDC++

    hy in fact, you do thisd before : 1. Replacing "__value" with "__stlvalue" in all locations of "type_traits" fixed the errors above. 2. Commenting out the "template class _STLP_CLASS_DECLSPEC _LimG<bool>;" line in dll_main.cpp fixed the new errors that occurred. and build it with nmake command . For another guys: The last STLport 6 ( 26 03 2010 ) from Git repository
  5. Compiling ApexDC++

    hy, For people Who want to compil the last 1.3.1: VS.2008 updated. Stlport 6 from GIT repository. last WTL. Platform SDK updated Install Windows SDK for WIndows 7 and .net frameWork service pack 1 ( note that "the program now integrates with the new Windows 7 taskbar " ) "ITaskbarList support the unified launching and switching taskbar button functionality added in Windows 7 then, Build it in release mode !
  6. Compiling ApexDC++

    hy guys i have several errors with le lastest version of Apex 1.3.1 ( Strg 2.40 Compil fine) BarShader.cpp d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(539) : error C2065: 'ITaskbarList3' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(314) : error C2661: 'ATL::CComPtrBase<T>::CoCreateInstance' : no overloaded function takes 1 arguments d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(317) : error C2039: 'SetOverlayIcon' : is not a member of 'ATL::_NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T>' d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(319) : error C2065: 'THUMBBUTTON' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(319) : error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'buttons' d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(319) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(320) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(320) : error C2228: left of '.dwMask' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(320) : error C2065: 'THB_ICON' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(320) : error C2065: 'THB_TOOLTIP' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(320) : error C2065: 'THB_FLAGS' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(321) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(321) : error C2228: left of '.iId' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(322) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(322) : error C2228: left of '.hIcon' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(323) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(323) : error C2228: left of '.szTip' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(324) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(324) : error C2228: left of '.dwFlags' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(324) : error C2065: 'THBF_ENABLED' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(326) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(326) : error C2228: left of '.dwMask' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(326) : error C2065: 'THB_ICON' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(326) : error C2065: 'THB_TOOLTIP' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(326) : error C2065: 'THB_FLAGS' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(327) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(327) : error C2228: left of '.iId' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(328) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(328) : error C2228: left of '.hIcon' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(329) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(329) : error C2228: left of '.szTip' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(330) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(330) : error C2228: left of '.dwFlags' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(330) : error C2065: 'THBF_ENABLED' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(332) : error C2039: 'ThumbBarAddButtons' : is not a member of 'ATL::_NoAddRefReleaseOnCComPtr<T>' d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(332) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(332) : error C2070: ''unknown-type'': illegal sizeof operand d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(332) : error C2065: 'THUMBBUTTON' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(332) : error C2070: ''unknown-type'': illegal sizeof operand d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(332) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(334) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(334) : error C2070: ''unknown-type'': illegal sizeof operand d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(334) : error C2065: 'THUMBBUTTON' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(334) : error C2070: ''unknown-type'': illegal sizeof operand d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(334) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(335) : error C2065: 'buttons' : undeclared identifier d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(335) : error C2228: left of '.hIcon' must have class/struct/union d:\trunk\windows\MainFrm.h(585) : error C2512: 'ATL::CComPtr' : no appropriate default constructor available ========== Build: 7 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== should include Shobjidl.h or file Shobj.h , which contains all these definitions ? should update platform SDK from Platform SDK update config: VS 2008 stlport 6 form GIT repository lastest WTL... Crise, Lee ? Anyone help me ? ... Thanks for your help :thumbsup: Warwick. :)
  7. Get user response ?

    Hy do you remove the option " Get user response " in the user command? for checking client ? ... (for operator ) Thanks ? Warwick
  8. Compiling ApexDC++

    Hy guys, when compiling I get this error, what does it mean please ? (in release mode) VS 2008 pro sdk installed STLPort 5.2.1 build patched WTL. Thanks Edit: Work fine with the last Stlport 6 form repository GIT.
  9. Compiling ApexDC++

    +1 I'm interresting too ... for horizontale view ... Thanks !
  10. Scrolling Windows emoticons

    Thanks Zlobomir !
  11. hy guys Scrolling function in Emoticons' Windows ? possible ? for a great choice of emoticons... thanks :crying:
  12. Auto checking client

    Resolved. It's OK.
  13. Auto checking client

    hy! Where is auto checking clients in Apex Beta 5 please? - (properties in favoris hub) is this removed from beta 5? Thanks guys. :thumbsup: Warwick
  14. Scrolling Windows emoticons

    yes, i have a great numbers of emoticones in my favorite emoticon's pack in fact ... So if I want to see all of them in the same Windows, I would like to scroll the Window's Emoticone ... Thanks Guys. Warwick.
  15. Auto checking client

    yes, but seems does not work in fact ? !! :crying: im using version 1.0 beta 5
  16. Auto checking client

    Up ? :rolleyes:
  17. Compiling ApexDC++

    Yeh, Thanks crise
  18. Compiling ApexDC++

    Hy guys, Do you need Visual Studio 2008 pro for compiling 1.0.0 beta 5 ? Actually, Iam using VS 2005 pro version... Anybody help or confirm ? ... Thanks Warwick.
  19. Logan Emo Pack

    1.0 only work i think ... Good work !
  20. Compiling ApexDC++

    Hy, Thanks Crise, Now It works ! :)
  21. Compiling ApexDC++

    Hy Thanks for this fabulous DC client :stuart: (All of programmers and testers... ) When i am Compiling Apex 0.4.0 this error occured during compil: DirectX SDK must be installed for that ?... My config: VS 2005 pro Apex 0.3.0 compiling OK Thanks for help Warwick :)