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Posts posted by scoup

  1. Every since we first introduced PeerWeb DC++ in 2005 one of our main goals has been to provide cross platform support and distribute our program to Linux and Mac OS X users. This article focuses on Mac OS X development and offers users a chance to test the future of ApexDC++ 2.0. We will publish a progress update on Linux development separately. 


    Back in 2010 we announced an >integration with OpenCandy to monetise installations and provide a stable base for our cross platform development. Due to this we were able to >advertise a job for porting our program to wxWidgets (a cross platform GUI tool kit) and eventually hired Gevorg, who has years of wxWidgets experience and regularly submits patches back to their development team. His experience has been a valuable asset to the project and we are now in a position to show off our progress for the first time:



    ApexDC++ 2.0 running on Mac OS X Mountain Lion - Click to enlarge

    The DC++ base library has always been Linux friendly due to the contributions made by the LinuxDC++ project. This meant our main focus has been getting the interface up to scratch and working on all major operating systems. During this phase we have decided not to include a few features/options present in 1.5 that we feel are not used as frequently, which has helped with the overall resource consumption compared to 1.5. Some other features that aren't present haven't been forgotten about and are in our development tracker for us to tackle in the future.



    Comparison between wxWidgets (2.x) / WTL (1.x) branch activity - Click to enlarge


    Impressed? Good. We are asking for dedicated Mac OS X users to come forward and reply to this post to receive exclusive access to our development channel. These lucky few will be responsible for testing the recent changes our developers have committed to the wxWidgets branch on a regular basis (see above, we commit changes often!) and report it in our tracker or directly to the development team. We supply you with login details to our private testing hub where you can provide feedback and discuss future features. Furthermore, these testers will help us make the decision on what left over features from 1.5 should be ported over before the general public get hold of it.


    Think you're up to the task? Reply to this post with something interesting and we may get you in. Otherwise wait for that public beta release.



    i have been using DC++ on windows .... recently bought a mac, frustrated that it doesn't have any good DC client >< 

    searched google and found this , the best at the moment!

    i am in a college and we heavily relay on DC for sharing data on LAN!! (50gb per person per day! almost (movies tv shows games etc etc everything is shared on LAN ))

    currently using shakespeer but it's quite buggy (downloads wont resume sometimes and when finished wont move to completed folder small bugs.. and not to mention it hasent updated in a while (4 years  :P ))

    Would LOVE to try this out!!! (actually made this account just to express my interest!)

     LEE would you please send the invite!  :D

    -dedicated mac os x user.

    -although i bought it recently but i now  know more than any of my friends about mac

    -dedicated DC user

    -love to report even the smallest bugs

    and when are you planning to release the first public beta!!?