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Next version sBot = frmHub:GetHubBotName() iClass = 3 function Main() local file = io.open(string.gsub(frmHub:GetPtokaXLocation(),"/","\\").."scripts\\rukus\\list.dat","r") if file then file:close() LoadDatabase() else tPendingUsers = {} end end function ChatArrival(curUser,data) if curUser.bOperator then local _,_,cmd,param = string.find(data,"%b<>%s*%p*(%S+)%s*(.*)|") if cmd then if cmd == "showpending" then LoadDatabase() if #tPendingUsers > 0 then local msg = "\n\t---------------- Pending: "..#tPendingUsers.." \t----------------\r\n\r\n".. "\tNumber:\tNickname:\t\tPassword:\tEmail:\r\n" for i,v in ipairs(tPendingUsers) do msg = msg.."\t["..i.."] \t"..v["sNick"].."\t\t"..v["sPass"].."\t\t"..v["sEmail"].."\r\n" end curUser:SendPM(sBot,msg) else curUser:SendPM(sBot,"The list is empty.") end return 1 elseif cmd == "regpending" then if type(tonumber(param)) == "number" then param = tonumber(param) if param <= #tPendingUsers then if not frmHub:isNickRegged(tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"]) then AddRegUser(tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"],tPendingUsers[param]["sPass"],iClass) curUser:SendData(sBot,tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"].." has been succesfully registered as "..GetProfileName(iClass)) table.insert(tRegisteredUsers,tPendingUsers[param]) table.remove(tPendingUsers,param) SaveDatabase() else curUser:SendData(sBot,tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"].." is already registered user.") end elseif param == 411 then local tReggedUsers = {} for i,v in ipairs(tPendingUsers) do table.insert(tRegisteredUsers,tPendingUsers[i]) if not frmHub:isNickRegged(v["sNick"]) then AddRegUser(v["sNick"],v["sPass"],iClass) else table.insert(tReggedUsers,v["sNick"]) end end if (#tPendingUsers - #tReggedUsers) == 0 then curUser:SendData(sBot,"No users have been registered. (Maybe they are all still registered?)") elseif (#tPendingUsers - #tReggedUsers) ~= #tPendingUsers then curUser:SendData(sBot,(#tPendingUsers - #tReggedUsers).." users have been registered as "..GetProfileName(iClass)) else curUser:SendData(sBot,"All users have been registered as "..GetProfileName(iClass)) end tPendingUsers = {} SaveDatabase() LoadDatabase() else curUser:SendData(sBot,"There is no index "..param..". Check your syntax.") end else curUser:SendData(sBot,"Use just numbers! Use 411 to register all pending users.") end return 1 elseif cmd == "delpending" then if type(tonumber(param)) == "number" then param = tonumber(param) if param <= #tPendingUsers then table.remove(tPendingUsers,param) SaveDatabase() LoadDatabase() curUser:SendData(sBot,"User with index "..param.." has been successfully deleted.") else curUser:SendData(sBot,"There is no index "..param..". Check your syntax.") end else curUser:SendData(sBot,"Use just numbers! Use 411 to register all pending users.") end return 1 end end end end function ToArrival(curUser,sData) if curUser.bOperator then local _,_, nickto = string.find(sData, "^%$To:%s(%S+)%s") if nickto == sBot then ChatArrival(curUser,sData) end end end function LoadDatabase() tPendingUsers = {} tRegisteredUsers = {} for line in io.lines(string.gsub(frmHub:GetPtokaXLocation(),"/","\\").."\\scripts\\rukus\\list.dat") do local _,_,sNick,sPass,sEmail,bIsReg = string.find(line, "^:!:(.*):!:(.*):!:(.*):!:(.*):!:$") local sName = {["sNick"] = sNick, ["sPass"] = sPass, ["sEmail"] = sEmail,} if tonumber(bIsReg) == 0 then table.insert(tPendingUsers,sName) else table.insert(tRegisteredUsers,sName) end end end function SaveDatabase() local file = io.open(string.gsub(frmHub:GetPtokaXLocation(),"/","\\").."\\scripts\\rukus\\list.dat","w+") for i,v in ipairs(tPendingUsers) do file:write(":!:"..v["sNick"]..":!:"..v["sPass"]..":!:"..v["sEmail"]..":!:0:!:\r\n") end for i,v in ipairs(tRegisteredUsers) do file:write(":!:"..v["sNick"]..":!:"..v["sPass"]..":!:"..v["sEmail"]..":!:1:!:\r\n") end file:close() end
So, in that file there are the all registered and unregistered users? Then I have to pout just an another array into it, when an operator register a user, put one user to another array, and save & load the two array. I hope now I understand well :)
Firstly, sorry for my great lag I had two exams on Monday, and today I had to do the PtokaX translation. Now I am ready with it, but you didn't anser to my questions posted above... So I did it as I thought, you have to try and debug it. It do all things you explained, maybe bugless sBot = frmHub:GetHubBotName() iClass = 3 -- In which class you want to register users? In base settings 3 is the registered users. function Main() local file = io.open(string.gsub(frmHub:GetPtokaXLocation(),"/","\\").."scripts\\rukus\\list.dat","r") if file then file:close() LoadDatabase() else tPendingUsers = {} end end function ChatArrival(curUser,data) if curUser.bOperator then local _,_,cmd,param = string.find(data,"%b<>%s*%p*(%S+)%s*(.*)|") if cmd then if cmd == "showpending" then LoadDatabase() if #tPendingUsers > 0 then local msg = "\n\t---------------- Pending: "..#tPendingUsers.." \t----------------\r\n\r\n".. "\tNumber:\tNickname:\t\tPassword:\tEmail:\r\n" for i,v in ipairs(tPendingUsers) do msg = msg.."\t["..i.."] \t"..v["sNick"].."\t\t"..v["sPass"].."\t\t"..v["sEmail"].."\r\n" end curUser:SendPM(sBot,msg) else curUser:SendPM(sBot,"The list is empty.") end return 1 elseif cmd == "regpending" then if type(tonumber(param)) == "number" then param = tonumber(param) if param <= #tPendingUsers then if not frmHub:isNickRegged(tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"]) then AddRegUser(tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"],tPendingUsers[param]["sPass"],iClass) curUser:SendData(sBot,tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"].." has been succesfully registered as "..GetProfileName(iClass)) tPendingUsers[param] = nil SaveDatabase() else curUser:SendData(sBot,tPendingUsers[param]["sNick"].." is already registered user.") end elseif param == 411 then local tReggedUsers = {} for i,v in ipairs(tPendingUsers) do if not frmHub:isNickRegged(v["sNick"]) then AddRegUser(v["sNick"],v["sPass"],iClass) else table.insert(tReggedUsers,v["sNick"]) end end if (#tPendingUsers - #tReggedUsers) == 0 then curUser:SendData(sBot,"No users have been registered. (Maybe they are all still registered?)") elseif (#tPendingUsers - #tReggedUsers) ~= #tPendingUsers then curUser:SendData(sBot,(#tPendingUsers - #tReggedUsers).." users have been registered as "..GetProfileName(iClass)) else curUser:SendData(sBot,"All users have been registered as "..GetProfileName(iClass)) end tPendingUsers = {} io.open(string.gsub(frmHub:GetPtokaXLocation(),"/","\\").."scripts\\rukus\\list.dat","w+") else curUser:SendData(sBot,"There is no index "..param..". Check your syntax.") end else curUser:SendData(sBot,"Use just numbers! Use 411 to register all pending users.") end return 1 elseif cmd == "delpending" then if type(tonumber(param)) == "number" then param = tonumber(param) if param <= #tPendingUsers then table.remove(tPendingUsers,param) SaveDatabase() LoadDatabase() curUser:SendData(sBot,"User with index "..param.." has been successfully deleted.") else curUser:SendData(sBot,"There is no index "..param..". Check your syntax.") end else curUser:SendData(sBot,"Use just numbers! Use 411 to register all pending users.") end return 1 end end end end function ToArrival(curUser,sData) if curUser.bOperator then local _,_, nickto = string.find(sData, "^%$To:%s(%S+)%s") if nickto == sBot then ChatArrival(curUser,sData) end end end function LoadDatabase() tPendingUsers = {} for line in io.lines(string.gsub(frmHub:GetPtokaXLocation(),"/","\\").."\\scripts\\rukus\\list.dat") do local _,_,sNick,sPass,sEmail,bIsReg = string.find(line, "^:!:(.*):!:(.*):!:(.*):!:(.*):!:$") local sName = {["sNick"] = sNick, ["sPass"] = sPass, ["sEmail"] = sEmail, ["bIsReg"] = bIsReg,} table.insert(tPendingUsers,sName) end end function SaveDatabase() local file = io.open(string.gsub(frmHub:GetPtokaXLocation(),"/","\\").."\\scripts\\rukus\\list.dat","w+") for i,v in ipairs(tPendingUsers) do file:write(":!:"..v["sNick"]..":!:"..v["sPass"]..":!:"..v["sEmail"]..":!:0:!:\r\n") end file:close() end If something isn't in it, or works another way as you except, please tell it me. Commands works in main and private too, commands are what you requested.
The script is almost ready, just a question. Registered and unregistered users are in the file, why? It's a webserver-made file, somebody want to register himself/herself on the hub. So it's sure, he isn't registered on the hub. Maybe his/her nickname is already registered by an another user, but the webpage have to inform the user about it. I think many unregistered users in the file, and if an operator use !regpending # or 411 then that line will be removed from the file, thats all. This is what the script is doing now Ps. Could you send me the web-page which generate this file? I wanna upgrade it.
Please explain me more the regpending stuff. What is it doing exactly? There is no impossible, if I know what should I do The web-based register system... Maybe. PtokaX has inbuild webserver, somebody just have to wrote the php or html page - I will try it, maybe, but I never did any kind of webpage :D
Ohh, men This script is the strangest one what I've ever seen... Half of the script is out of use. Try to use 2-3 different scripts instead of this. Check this page
1; Your nickname has 'sticked' into the hub because the lag. Wait a minute, then reconnect. 2; Somebody is online on the hub with the same nickname. Change nick and reconnect.
I will do it as soon as possible, but as I see I have to completly rewrite it, it wasn't made by a LUA scripter If I will finish it, I will inform you here.
Ave peoples! I found this great client nowadays, and I deleted all those clients which I ever used before this. That is that what peoples calls good work Since when I use it, I've found some missing functions, which I will list here. I didn't want to open a new topic for it - this is an enough good collective for it I hope. So. Editable NMDC debug messages - Now "was kicked" messages showed in the mainchat instead of status bar, and it would be useful to filter needless messages - like winamp spams Rename /find command - Well, as far as we know, /find command is for search users, since this command exist. I think this command in this context is totally un-necessary few users excepted. Logging and /log command solve this. /find <user/IP> would be more nice, and useful, but as I've read, it would use more resources :ermm: Ratio in description instead of slots - To show the slot numbers in the description is a... :shifty: strange thing. It always MyINFO-floods the hubs, and shows the user, what he/she can know from the tag too. Ratio would be more nice: the user can know, if he/she deserve to start downloading from the user. This client has this feature, and I think it's good enough to add it to ApexDC too Highlight - The above mentioned client has highlight function, it would be very welcomed too, and maybe with additional sounds, if possible. Select user when rightclick on him/her - When I rightclick on an online username in the mainchat, a menu showed, but the user isn't selected in the userlist. I use it many times to see more information about the user. More column into userinfos - Some other column would be useful, like hostnames, to know which user is from which country (most case the hostname ends with country-code). If client-information retrieved from checking, it also can be added into a new column. Selectable statusbar informations - On the appereance page you should add some checkbox, to select which information we want to see: personally I want debug messages, and slots not. Openable system.log - I would be very thankful if you can add an extra menu into View menu: Open system.log. I saw that was requested before, but who knows Here we can check debug messages, and if I talk about that: ignored users message isn't shown, but nowhere shown! It would be nice to add to system.log: ignored message from <USER>: <MSG> Renameable RAW commands - There is now five RAW: RAW1 -> RAW5 When I set up the forbidden things, it would be more easier, if they have names like: Ban3h, Nickban, and so on. Multiline usercommands - This also would be important to me. My hub is half-private: users can connect to it, but just registered users can download, search, chat, see the chat, and PM. So when a user connents, I used to send them a message to give me a password, because this hub is private, and you can't ... until I register. This all in one line is very ugly $UserIP support on favorite hubs - I think I needn't explain this, maybe if its added, than it might be UserIP2 support. LUA support - As Zai4ik mentioned in first post, LUA support would be fine too, I am a LUA scripter, many problem could be resolved by this. This would be the most important to me Thanks for this great client, I finnaly found a fine client, which is under developing, and I really hope my advances would help to make ApexDC++ the best client Ps. Sorry for my 'Hunglish'