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Everything posted by PANNY

  1. [BUG] Crash in BETA 2

    I got this when trying to download a filelist. I'm not sure if this happened because i tried to download that list because Apex 1 B2 crashed like this 2 times before, without downloading anything. Code: c0000005 (Access violation) Version: 1.0.0B2 (2007-04-10) Major: 5 Minor: 1 Build: 2600 SP: 2 Type: 1 Time: 2007-04-11 20:53:26 TTH: CWLBR24QOCVAJHKKX2A6KQORSW4IRCWPJH36EYA ntdll!0x7C918FEA: RtlpWaitForCriticalSection ntdll!0x7C90104B: RtlEnterCriticalSection d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\client\user.h(134): Identity::isHidden d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(677): HubFrame::removeUser d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\hubframe.cpp(779): HubFrame::onSpeaker d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\hubframe.h(74): HubFrame::ProcessWindowMessage d:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\atlmfc\include\atlwin.h(3078): ATL::CWindowImplBaseT<WTL::CMDIWindow=0x03480718,ATL::CWinTraits<1456406528=0x00000000,64> >::WindowProc USER32!0x7E418734: GetDC USER32!0x7E418816: GetDC USER32!0x7E4189CD: GetWindowLongW USER32!0x7E418A10: DispatchMessageW d:\cvs\apexdc++\includes\wtl\atlapp.h(584): WTL::CMessageLoop::Run d:\cvs\apexdc++\trunk\windows\main.cpp(431): Run 0x009905E6: ? ApexDC!0x0044E2A2: MainFrame::FileListQueue::`scalar deleting destructor' ApexDC!0x00469A57: [thunk]:MainFrame::`vector deleting destructor' kernel32!0x7C830000: CreateFiberEx 0x90909090: ?
  2. support

    I get this too when I start ApexDC++. I don't have any ideea what causes it.
  3. I get this error only in one hub: An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine. Do you know what is it about?
  4. Feature Requests

    Can you add this feature? Everytime someone starts downloading from you, ApexDC will sind him a predefined message.
  5. [Support] Webserver

    Maybe creating something like a guest account, wich will not have access to these functions.
  6. [Support] Webserver

    Can I remove the shutdown, reset and the other buttons from the Webserver interface? Or at least make them not work? :)
  7. Feature Requests

    This would be ideal. But sending the message to all that are downloading from you would be good to.
  8. Feature Requests

    Seeker, sending the message to tho ones downloading from me, uploaders. Lots of people do this, and I want to ask them not to upload with multiple instances from same IP, because of the low speeds and number of slots.