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Everything posted by Kagesha

  1. External/WAN IP

    So I'm trying to setup a thing called CommunityNet with my ISP Adam Internet, in which I connect to hubs in the same telephone exchange although I'm pretty sure apex isn't using the external/wan ip i've given it.
  2. External/WAN IP

    Double checked everythings perfect, so much love for you .
  3. External/WAN IP

    Thanks heaps Mek, tested it out I am passive on internet hubs and active on the communitynet hub everything seems to be working fine!! (Is there another way of finding out if I am using the communitynet ip just to double check- really want to make sure xD) although thanks a lot once again especially for quick replies and such.
  4. External/WAN IP

    This may help because i have no idea what im doing I've done... //edit by Mek: please attach the images to your post instead of linking them from another site - this way they stay with the forum forever...