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Everything posted by Lee

  1. A warning in any other client not to abuse this feature would work. It's just because it's the DC network with stupid ops. :D
  2. It wouldn't be hard to stop that, basically only allow people to share 20GB + over the min share in order to actually hash the files.. otherwise you'd receive a warning. :D
  3. I believe you are looking at this wrong. They want to share 15GB of music on one hub and then 30GB of DVD-R's on another hub (each hub asks for DVD-R only files or music files).
  4. Welcome to ApexDC++

    Will you be merging to RC11? For us to do so, it will require a large amount of modification to the code. :D
  5. Welcome to ApexDC++

    Well, a lot of stuff didn't actually compile with pwdc under Vs 05.
  6. Welcome to ApexDC++

    But everything coded in this beta will have to be re-coded when RC11 is out, since it's compiled on VS 2005. It's very pointless.. :D
  7. New Server

    Looks like everything went smoothly, and this new host is far superior in speed. For everyone interested in the payment details for this 'dedicated' server, I got a decent package and pay £10 a month, so please support our site and refer people to us. :)
  8. Need a new beta tester?

    You're more than welcome, post them in the Feature Requests forum.
  9. Need a new beta tester?

    Well then, look forward to ApexDC++ 1.0. :)
  10. Need a new beta tester?

    Inside a LAN network? Big Muscle is looking into this problem and I believe he has fixed it for RC11.
  11. Why do you prefer Direct Connect?

    But we're talking about DC. :)
  12. Need a new beta tester?

    Why do you want the upload speed to go below 1MB/s? There are currently no beta testing positions available at this time.. :)
  13. Users Local Time

    So then people know when to contact them. This option could be user submitted or cleverly worked into the GeoIP.
  14. What date in march please.
  15. Why do you prefer Direct Connect?

    Not in the hub I'm in. Whenever somebody finishes a new torrent it's shared in the hub (for example, the new Lost).
  16. It was originally open source, but then the developers closed it.
  17. PeerWeb and neXTPeer websites down

    The server went offline for maintenance and its hard drives got corrupt. The back ups drives (being on the same system) were corrupt too, meaning there's no back up data. The latest local back up is a month old... they are waiting to see whether the host will be able to recover any data from the back up drives.
  18. Welcome to ApexDC++

    I have just installed a new mod that resizes large dimension images to fit the forum topic rather than it distorting the width and forcing you to scroll across. You can see an example of this below:
  19. download pause

    Close Connection and Remove User from Queue are, but I want it like this: Remove User from queue File from queue Pause/Resume File Disconnect User (Close connection can be confusing)
  20. Indeed, therefore a simple option would be best. I just stated one in my post above. :P
  21. DCPRO source isn't currently available.
  22. Frequently Asked Questions

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) All guides have been published by the ApexDC++ community and are subject to copyright. Please do not copy and re-publish any information supplied without the author\'s permission. These guides are here to help users with the ApexDC++ client and additional services such as hub software and compiling. Please reply on guides you have read and used, many authors may be motivated to submit more guides if they realised their previous ones have been useful. 1. How do I submit guides? Simply create a new topic and ensure your guide is full of screenshots (and even videos) and easy steps to allow beginners to easily understand them. Please provide a HTTP mirror or a file (usually .chm or .pdf) to allow users a second source of viewing. Furthermore, these guides can then be shared in the DC network to help users (so put a link to ApexDC++ in it). 2. Why can't I see my guide? All submitted guides are sent through a moderation queue to ensure they are high quality and up to standard - a quick paragraph on how to get into active mode won't cut it! Our staff will analyse each guide in turn and allow or deny it into the forum for public viewing. If your guide hasn't been published within 2 days of submission please PM an Administrator. Usually a staff member will PM you with a suitable explanation as to why your guide has been denied. 3. How do I suggest improvements to a guide? If you have any hints or tips for a guide published by a member, reply to topic or PM the author with the suggested improvements. The author or member of staff can then edit the post to include the changes. We\'re wanting to keep the guide user friendly, so improvements are always welcome! 4. How do I request a new guide? We have created a specific topic to address this question. Visit the sticky topic and request a new guide by replying to the topic. Somebody will view it and hope ully decide to create one for you and others to see.
  23. We discussed this for PeerWeb DC++, having the program automatically send /showjoin on that hub would work I believe. Only, when you close the program it will enable global showjoins.. so we need to look into it.
  24. Welcome to ApexDC++

    The only current way is to donate. Like Crise said there are extended to-do lists and ideas that you can contribute to. Once RC11 is out, a vast amount of betas will be released soon after. :P