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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Small PM issues

    It's a known bug in IPB 2.2.2, but they applied a patch so it should be fixed. :thumbsup:
  2. Small PM issues

    Sent a request to IPS, hopefully it'll be looked into.
  3. forum down time

    I wasn't going to move to VPS because one person was having problems connecting to the site. I meant in the future, if the site keeps growing.
  4. History page added

    We're been working behind the scenes and with our testers/subscribers/support members to bring you a history page of our PeerWeb DC++ and ApexDC++ days. It's an interesting read if you're unsure how we've come so far, so go take a look. Any suggestions or corrections are welcome.
  5. That was my fault. We were testing an external auto update feature (which hasn't made it to production) and I forget to remove the line in the script. It's fixed for next release, whenever that might be. Nice. Got a link/screenshot to our mention? :)
  6. forum down time

    VPS would be our next attempt, yeah.
  7. Segmented downloading techniques

    Will leave this open for further research if Big Muscle requires it, same for our staff. No more abuse.
  8. A 1.0 version isn't stated as 1.0 because of product documentation, it's stated because of the stability of program and is complete to an extent of what the developers required initially. Besides, our documentation is published in several different topics within the guides forum. Yes, it may not be professionally published, but it's still classified as documentation and help. We even have a user guide which is updated regularly. Anyway, stay tuned. :P
  9. Segmented downloading techniques

    So sit back and see whether he fixes it. He does it for free remember, and so do we. :whistling:
  10. Segmented downloading techniques

    Excelsium, calm down and show respect to a fellow developer of an influencial and popular mod. It wouldnt be popular if the segment downloading techniques failed. It's disgusting to see somebody take the piss out of somebody elses work. If there's a problem with it, show the developer (like you have). Don't force him to fix something he doesn't agree with, just show him further proof. Both don't agree? That's unfortunate, but it's how it goes. Topic: Haven't read it so cannot comment... don't have time. Will do eventually. :whistling:
  11. Using PG code

    Alum was given the option as to whether he wanted credit from what I gathered from the conversation with Crise, and I gathered he didn't want to. If Alum wants credit, he can PM me directly and the changelog page will be updated specifying this initial help. Thanks for notifying us on the specific problems regarding the PG plugin. The implementation of the PG plugin is always improving and in the process we can't satisfy everyone. In the next public release the PeerGuardian implementation is no longer a plugin and comes built into the program. If you have anymore suggestions feel free to get back to us, in the meantime don't make us look ungrateful for not giving credit where credit is due (which we fully appreciate). Thanks for stopping by. I advise you to post in the correct area next time, saves me the hassle of moving your post. :whistling:
  12. History page added

    The difference is pretty visible in the settings area as well as the GUI. We decided to start our own project because as other projects, people in charge of those have different opinions of features and additions. Which is one of the reasons why there are so many DC++ mods out there. There's more satisfaction of running your own successful project than focussing on somebody elses. Haven't said that, Big Muscle's opinions are greatly related to ours and we take them into consideration before implementing.
  13. Logging Explained

    Thanks Balder, this will come in use for people. :D
  14. forum down time

    Not noticed this either. I'm back at home on a decent connection, so I should be able to see whether the site is slow or not resolving. If this site continues to grow I'm gonna have to up the hosting package to dedicated. :D
  15. This project is GMT... it was 1st April. ;)
  16. Status update

    There isn't a new skin. Anyway, I'm on a rubbish uni internet connection so cannot see whether the site loads slow (it's always my connection that loads slower than the site). Edit: Bulk email system should be fixed now.
  17. outta here

    Thanks for testing our private builds, hope to see you back later. :)
  18. Apex DC++ speed mod

    There's no link other than one in a signature which we'll happily allow (not direct advertising). Now since you've just sparked new interest in this topic, you've unintentially made it more popular. I'll close this.
  19. Status on MirandaIM plugin

    We haven't personally had plans for this. That doesnt mean an unofficial source doesn't plan on doing so.
  20. Status update

    We can't avoid hosts dropping us. But yes, certain services can be seperated from the website so we don't become fully offline.
  21. Project statistics

    If there's anymore statistical data you want, reply here and I'll hopefully include it.
  22. Project statistics

    While we're activitely developing our next major version - which has a huge list of additions already - we thought it's time to show you how popular the project currently is. The most important is that the program has been downloaded over 300,000 times on SourceForge alone, with an estimation of over 500,000 across the web. In 2007, our website has managed to receive 1,182,936 unique visitors so far. Looking back into the last three months of 2006, we only received 420,000 unique visitors. Each month our unique visitors count is nearly doubling as more people download and use ApexDC++. 35% of our visitors bookmark our page, and we have over 1,000 users visiting our forums each day. On release day and a few weeks after there is a spike in traffic on our website. When we released 0.4.0, our hits doubled to over 150,000 per day. When we informed our users via the update checker (which pointed to the release announcement), 11,000 people viewed the forums in two days. That's a huge increment over our usual 1,000 per day. Only 50% of our users browse with Internet Explorer, while 30% are Mozilla Firefox users, and 10% are Opera users. Our development changelog shows over 35 new features, 10 fixes, and numerous tweaks and improvements ready for our next major release milestone. Considering our last couple of releases have had 15 new features, you're in for a surprise. More innovative features and changes will be included too, so watch this space.
  23. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    If somebody managed to download it, please upload it back here so I can get it into the main topic.
  24. Unable to view new posts

    Seems to be working again.
  25. Forum Upgrades

    Late I know, but updated to IPB 2.2.2.