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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Design a new forum header!

    Yeah, I noticed that in an internet cafe. Hopefully some people help out. :)
  2. Apex Speed Mod

    I'll raise this topic to Crise, but talking about the speed mod (due to the damaging features it has) is forbidden so I'll close this topic.
  3. Welcome Back

    I´ll pop in from time to time. :)
  4. World Languages - Polish

    I'll PM you with details regarding this, Kulmegil. :)
  5. I'd like to inform you of a recent event regarding a donation to Big Muscle, author of the StrongDC++ project. We hope it comes in handy for giving him motivation to continue to provide us with an incredibly stable source for us to merge with. We've been able to merge for vital fixes, and I thought the best way to thank Big Muscle was to send him an undisclosed amount of money on behalf of ApexDC++ for all his hard work. Keep up the good work Big Muscle, and we all hope you continue to browse our forums. ;)
  6. Server move successful

    Sending out mass emails to inform people of our return. Welcome back. :)
  7. ApexDC++ Translations

    Polish translation by Patrol: ApexDC_1.0.0B2_polish.xml
  8. Resuming incomplete files

    The steps in this guide were created by Kulmegil. Resuming incomplete files 1. Start new downloads of the same (TTH) files. 2. Exit. Swap new dctmp's with old ones. 3. Additionally edit Queue.xml find FreeBlocks=" " and VerifiedParts=" " and delete everything betwen quotation marks except space. 4. Run. This works for me for repairing broken (corrupt) files so it should also for incomplete downloads.
  9. Apex working good

    Cheers. We're working towards fixing the crashes/bugs obviously and should see a Beta 3 release soon. :thumbsup:
  10. ApexDC internet Site

    Fixed. They should have at least written in English for our audience.
  11. UTF-8 support

    I'll contact IPS and see if we can get this sorted.
  12. Some requests of a .PDC fan

    Crazy, we've said continously that you can't except these feature requests to be implemented straight away. We're pretty much feature-closed for 1.0 until we focus on 1.1. :thumbsup:
  13. Status: Where is my Beta 3?

    The bug is with ApexDC++ 1.0.0 Beta 1 and 2 (fixed in Beta 3) that causes ptokax and ApexDC++ itself to crash when connecting. I'd suggest PM'ing Seeker directly so he can deal with it quickly.
  14. Status: Where is my Beta 3?

    Stay out the queue and ptokax hubs, or go back to 0.4.0 for now. Btw just to clear something up with the ptokax community - the beta's have nothing to do with buggy ptokax code, it's our client itself. Some of you guys didn't seem to realise that.
  15. Forums were offline

    If the front page was visible it could have been due to heavy load as Seeker said. We'll leave it at that until we see some frequent downtime to report to our host.
  16. Forums were offline

    Offline or unreachable?
  17. wakoopa

    I've signed up too. :P
  18. view all posts in thread

    Default should be standard.
  19. PirateShare.net launched

    The idea of this site is to upload it to the public, and give the link publically. It isn't to send it to 3 people on your gmail contact list. I don't think google will allow copyrighted files being uploaded ,either.
  20. PirateShare.net launched

    So does PirateShare.
  21. sorry but

    TYRRAM: Do something helpful, stop posting posts that bash everyone. Post some exception reports when the program crashes, tell us how you reproduce the crash. And if it's related to a lot of crashes/bugs already, give us some extra information. Regarding TGO, PM sidetrack and give him some constructive criticism to help him improve it. If you don't have any extra information then don't fill up the topic by posting the same report like other people have done. Just wait for another release, try it and see. Speak your mind all you want, but if it doesnt work, report the bugs/crashes properly.
  22. Spanish Language

    We have somebody working on it. :lol:
  23. Beta 2 primary download

    Indeed, but we still offer an archive release link on the download page. I'll update that to reflect what you've said, thanks. Edit: split topic.
  24. how do i register for a hub

    Registering in a hub is usually specific to each hub/hubsoft. Sometimes a bot will announce in main chat how to register. The TechGeeks Online hub (the official support hub in favourites) allows you to type "+reghelp" in main chat and you'll be sent a private message of the steps to become a registered user. :)
  25. ApexDC++ for Linux

    http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=1365 This topic above is where to stay up to date with development. :)