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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Segmented downloading ruining DC

    Been a long time Satan, welcome back. :D
  2. New Apex release?

    Since StrongDC++ 2.04 is out we should be able to stick to a stable version while we release Beta 3. Crise is on holiday right now, so development has slowed until he returns (shouldn't be too long).
  3. Show us your desktop

    Here's mine after migrating to Windows Vista.
  4. My CRASH report

    Already reported...
  5. i have problem

    Already reported..
  6. Further forum languages added

    I know, but I didn't manage to get anywhere with IPS with that one. I'll have to try again.
  7. Polish, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese are among the languages that have been installed after uploading to IPB 2.3.1. Currently the Russian and French language packs are outdated(for 2.2.x), but once the developers have updated them, I'll get ours updated. You can enable your language by looking at the footer of this page, and selecting the drop down box that says "English". We're always looking out for extra languages since we now support more than just English. :unsure:
  8. The limitations of DC++. :unsure:
  9. some new features i like

    Psh, and you call yourselves testers. Those two features are already in the client, he's just stating he likes them. :)
  10. Icon and list names/descriptions

    User icons explained - http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=392
  11. Icon and list names/descriptions

    What specific icons?
  12. The Raw Manager has changed in the later alpha's remember.
  13. Serbian Forum

  14. Try downloading and uploading something, see if it works. Sometimes the connection test fails TCP even though it's working.
  15. Very Hot

    I hope you have air conditioning at that temperature. Here it's 18C.
  16. crashed application

    Reported many times, and has been fixed for Beta 3 we believe. Wait patiently for the release.
  17. Forum Upgrades

    Upgraded to IPB 2.3.1. It increases performance on our server and comes with a new theme, IP.Board Pro. :)
  18. Unable to open TCP port

    If you're using the connection test, it sometimes gives false positives about the TCP port only. If you're followed the guides and you can download, search and upload, you should be fine. :)
  19. apex icons

    Moved to Support. This guide may help you and so should this. :)
  20. Downloads stall

    Can you give us more information, such as what file, how many sources, segment downloading, any particular clients it stalls on?
  21. ApexDC++ Windows User Guide

    Yeah, it's been fixed now. It was due to permission errors on the server.
  22. [Crash][0.2.2] neny crash

    Apologies, I missed the exception report.
  23. Server move successful

    Just updated the first post. We're hoping to release a new beta version soon. :)
  24. Server move successful

    Hello everyone, your DNS has had a few days to resolve to our domain after moving to our dedicated server. The donation page has been updated with the specifications of the server and also the price, so you guys can help us pay for the monthly fee if you're feeling generous. We've just updated our history page to fix some spelling errors, so take a look. 12/06/07 You may have been aware that our site has been unreachable for a few hours every couple of weeks. We've been working with the host to resolve the problem and it should be completely fixed by the end of the month. Whoever donated to the project please contact me on the forums and supply your email address and amount that you donated with, so I can cross check the donation and upgrade you to subscriber. Thanks. We're working quickly towards a Beta 3 release to measure our progress since all the feedback provided for Beta 2, so stay tuned.
  25. [Crash][0.2.2] neny crash

    0.2.2 is not new, use 0.4.0 or 1.0 beta 2.