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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Apex 1.0.0B4 an OP client?

    Don't be so rude, Toast. We class ApexDC++ 1.0 as a multi-purpose client. We're working towards a stable release that both Operators and regular people can use.  Just because it has certain features does not mean its just an op client. If we ever receive a dedicated developer willing to code an OP client for us, then by all means we'll start work on it. :stuart:
  2. AML 3.07 Released

    Probably because they thought it was more reliable.. not sure.
  3. AML 3.07 Released

    ApexDC++ isn't an op client. :blushing:
  4. Apex remains in systray

    This is for an official version, so it should be in public forums. :blushing:
  5. ApexDC++ problem

    Don't ask SMT for support, tell him to stop developing a damaging application. Switch to the original application Darko, not a mod.
  6. Keeping things organised...
  7. Moved to feature requests..
  8. It's not faking its tag, since the client is using 0.699 source code. :D
  9. But then you're faking your tag. ;)
  10. Some requests of a .PDC fan

    Crazy: Bump this topic once we get 1.0 out the way.
  11. Fastest Download Speed?

    Yeah, Virgin usually throttle the speeds at peak times. :crying:
  12. :crying: From beta 3 changelog: Feature: Raw Manager (Zion++ 2.02, fixed memory leak)
  13. Read the changelog, Toast. http://www.apexdc.net/changelog/ It's not meant to have everything, that would be an OP client. :lol:
  14. Game: Guess the movie

    That's it: next time I'm going to get a real hard film for you guys. Your turn Greg. Scores 1. Greg - 5 2. RadoX - 4 3. Kulmegil - 3 3. Noctis - 3 3. Balder - 3 3. Lee - 3 4. Satan - 2 5. Calum - 1
  15. Fastest Download Speed?

    My dad's on it for £28 or £30 per month. I managed to get the deal thanks to Tony informing me, so I got it for the price of 4Mbit.
  16. Boring

    Thanks vidor. Believe me when I say both Crise and I* appreciate any positive feedback we get. Obviously we want constructive criticism where possible to help improve on this project too. I speak for Crise in saying beta 1 and 2 were both hectic around the forums, and vowed never to do that again. *Greg too. :P
  17. Apex 0.2.2

    We no longer support sh*t in this forum, that goes for all mods that allow fake tags, more segments, etc. It'll destroy the network if anybody uses them, so don't.
  18. ApexDC++ Official Support Hub - Discussion

    But you've destroyed Mikey's motivation now. :P
  19. ApexDC++ Translations

    Updated customisation page to reflect the new submissions. Thanks people. :lol:
  20. Game: Guess the movie

    Is it Vanilla Sky?
  21. Game: Guess the movie

    Let somebody else have a guess Calum/Greg, I know you're both in the same house currently... could be some cheating going on. :(
  22. Fastest Download Speed?

    Got 20Mb package for £24.99 on Virgin Media... on a night I can achieve 1.5mB/s. :(
  23. stats

    I asked Crise to look into this for us.