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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    This should be fixed now. :)
  2. Compiling ApexDC++

    I had a similar issue, but it works (Windows 7127). You have to download and install the latest VS2008 SP1, and then install a (roughly) 300MB "security update" in Windows Update.
  3. Forums upgraded to IPB 3.0

    I don't think it should be too difficult to follow the topics you have posted in, since we don't have a large amount of new posts per day. The shoutbox is a gimmick and won't be installed, but we will be working on the template/theme soon. The emoticons will be moved over momentarily. :)
  4. Celebrating 4 million downloads

    After releasing 1.2.1 just over a week ago, we have hit a major milestone of 4 million downloads. Our active userbase is increasing rapidly every month, and we're looking to provide some key maintenance versions over the next couple of weeks to help improve stability. Our project is currently ranked in the top 150 of SourceForge projects, topping the likes of StrongDC++ (1,000) and DC++ (650). The rank is determined by the amount of downloads and page views a project has over a short period of time. ApexDC.net's traffic statistics aren't included in this rank either, but they were we would have broken the top 100. We are experimenting with the Google Search integration with our website, which you can find at the top of the page. This uses the powerful search engine to find any content a user requests from our main site or forums.
  5. [1.2.1] Same problem as 1.2.0

    We need more detailed information in order to nail this issue. :P
  6. Apex failed to create port mappings

    My apologies, here is the correct link. I would suggest restarting your router with the new settings, but maybe the DMZ feature didn't work correctly. You should open the specific ports that you've entered into the three port areas (TCP, UDP, TLS) and open those up in your router. It should be labelled port fowarding or something similar in your router settings. If you use portfoward.com and select your router, it will tell you how to do this.
  7. Filelist export

    You might have to wait until somebody downloads your filelist before you can see it in settings.
  8. Apex failed to create port mappings

    This guide should help you get into active mode. You need to login to your router's settings page and open the ports there. Use portforward.com to help you.If you're unable to open the ports yourself, get your friend to (he must have correctly opened them on the same router as you otherwise he wouldn't be able to download). You can also select Firewalled (Passive) mode, but you will limit yourself to how many users you can download off.
  9. Celebrating 4 million downloads

    I noticed this, and have been unable to edit the MSN Alerts. Apparently you have to signup for a fresh account, and obviously we cannot signup for the same domain twice. Thanks. :)
  10. Peer Guardian "Plugin"

    Use the external client, PeerGuardian to block IP's... or use Toast's method below. The advantage is it will block all IP's to your computer, and not just ApexDC++.
  11. There's none available in the ApexDC++ directory? I know sombody who has experienced a similar issue here. Do you think you're receiving PM's?
  12. Yes, we're trying to work something out about this. :P
  13. Apex error on Vista

    Moved to Support. You must ensure you run ApexDC++ as administrator. Right click on the ApexDC++ shortcut, and select "Run as administrator". That way, you give the program correct privileges in order to save the hashdata into the program files directory. I've created a guide on this too.
  14. You're setup correctly, since Direct Connection is used when somebody is not behind a router and their software firewall permits ApexDC++ to the correct ports automatically. This is intentional behaviour, and you should stick to the Firewall option (because you are after all, behind a firewall). :P
  15. [1.2.1] Crash when minimized.

    Don't you think 15 duplicate crashes is a little over the top? :P
  16. Downtime update (back online)

    Apexdc.net has been unreachable for the past few days due to our host disappearing (literally). We have managed to switch to a decent FutureHosting server and restore our website. Unfortunately, we have lost a month or so of our forum database. You may have to wait until your DNS updates in order to see this, so that would explain the extended downtime. Update: The forums are now online.
  17. Problem connecting to hub

    Glad it's sorted. :)
  18. Problem connecting to hub

    Has your ISP forwarded two ports for TCP and UDP? If so, you could try selecting one port to share both TCP and UDP, and then use the remainder port for TLS. Edit: I'm moving this to support.
  19. Problem with search

    Have you correctly forwarded the ports in the connection settings? Here's the guide to help you: http://forums.apexdc.net/index.php?showtopic=462
  20. Problem connecting to hub

    Could you please answer the questions that have been directed to you, we're trying to help.
  21. Problem connecting to hub

    When you use the check connection link, what happens? You said "the port", as in one port? You need a separate port for TLS, not the same as TCP or UDP.
  22. Problem connecting to hub

    I've tried connecting with ApexDC++ correctly setup:
  23. I've updated the guide to make it simple for new users to understand and correctly setup ApexDC++.
  24. ApexDC++ 0.4.0 force closing problem

    Make sure you're using separate ports for TLS as well as TCP and UDP. Forward all those ports, and you shouldn't have any difficulties connecting.
  25. Like I said in a PM, please report these to our tracker otherwise we're unable to help you. :)