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Everything posted by Lee

  1. wrong install location for 64-bit installer

    Working on it. :huh:
  2. Get file list error

    Are you on an ADC hub?
  3. DHT/UDP

    You need to forward the port from your router in order for it to work correctly. DHT connects you to all other programs that have DHT enabled, and searches through those users for any files in your download queue. :huh:
  4. Won't Take Update

    Download the binary off our main site, and extract the exe and pdb files to the program folder (overwrite when asked).
  5. The option "Get User Country" don't work

    Moving to support. Like Mek says, just move your country flags file to Program folder. :)
  6. "windows-1252" language bug?

    Not a bug then... closed. :huh:
  7. media players plugin !

    It's available in the plugin area.
  8. Typo in Settings

    Moved to bugs... :)
  9. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.0

    Looks like we just broke our active users record after two years. ...and our server load is getting destroyed. I've put the board into performance mode to lighten the load. Bare with us. :)
  10. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.0

    Hi Cent, Just place the 64bit exe and .pdb file on the D: drive. If you've backed up your hashdata, you can transfer that over too so you don't have to rehash.
  11. It's a little better, but we'll keep an eye on it.
  12. [1.3.0] IP Country Flags Gone

    You'll have to ask BM.. seems unnecessary.
  13. Certainly isn't a bug. Moved to client discussion.
  14. [1.3.0] IP Country Flags Gone

    http://www.apexdc.net/changelog/ Change: GeoIPCountryWhois.csv now moved to root program folder Move them to ApexDC++ root folder. :)
  15. Forum Upgrades

    We're now on 3.0.5.
  16. Forum Upgrades

    Here you will see a list of security patches issued by our forum software, IPB. All patches posted below have been uploaded to the forums, and probably some more I fail to post. Upgraded to IPB 2.1.6. Report any problems to me..
  17. Media Players Plugin 1.10

    Here is the MediaPlayers plugin for ApexDC++ 1.2.0, since all of the additional media spams have been moved to a plugin. Media toolbar also makes a comeback in this plugin. How it install Simply extract the files to ApexDC++ installation folder.
  18. How to get more sources

    Best option, in the meantime will be disabled by default though. 10,000 users? Don't be so pessimistic. ;)
  19. Merry Christmas!

    Have a great day with the family and enjoy your days off work. Don't get too drunk and we'll see you soon :shifty: Hopefully we'll have something to celebrate regarding a new version in the very near future. :)
  20. Windows routing script for LANs

    Cheers for updating the script Olorin, I've changed the topic title as requested. :)
  21. delete account

    They should just deselect the option in their control panel.
  22. Released: ApexDC++ 1.2.2

    We are pleased to announce a new maintenance update for the 1.2 series has been released today. This update primilary focuses on fixing issues reported by our community, but also has a few features and improvements. People experiencing crashes or memory leaks in previous versions are encouraged to try 1.2.2. Over the past few months we have been working behind the scenes on testing the new DHT feature in StrongDC++ and working on our plugin architecture, which you should see in a later version. Please note that 1.2.2 does not include DHT, as we feel it still requires work and further testing before we include it in our stable branch. Any suggestions or feedback is welcome on our forums as always. Download: ApexDC++ 1.2.2 | Donate
  23. [1.2.2] Magnetlinks

    Nice... :)