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Everything posted by Lee

  1. Can't download properly

    You have to enter a random port number manually, and then forward it through your router.
  2. Translators needed

    Thanks for the posts, we'll generally allow two translators for the same language so you can co-ordinate and spell check each other's work. If you don't manage to get in this time around, we'll come back to this topic and PM you if you're still interested. :)
  3. Translators needed

    This is something we're looking at, and will change in the future. Eventually we'd like to bundle it in the setup file, or point users to the page with the latest translations and guide them through the installation.
  4. Translators needed

    Currently we have the following translators: ItalianNorwegianPolishBulgarian - 3rd MarchSlovakian - 3rd MarchLithuanian - 4th MarchGerman - 4th MarchRussian - 4th MarchIndian - 4th MarchDutch - 4th MarchDanish - 4th MarchRomanian - 6th MarchAfrikaans - 6th MarchUkrainian - 6th MarchFinnish - 6th MarchHungarian - 6th MarchFrench - 6th MarchSwedish - 6th MarchBrazilian Portuguese - 6th March
  5. Alternate speed limit bug

    This is fixed in 1.3.1. :D
  6. Version auto check

    Like Crise has stated, we urge every single user to upgrade to 1.3.
  7. ApexDC++ Translations

    All translators please check out this announcement. Thanks.
  8. The hub has disabled downloading.
  9. We're out of performance mode for now. You can still use our front page search when the forums' search is disabled.
  10. DHT/UDP

    Split topic. I thought I addressed your original post, you still having issues?
  11. Usercommands

    User commands were changed in StrongDC++ afaik to the "right way".
  12. Windows 7 network share bug

    Or maybe DC++.
  13. Disappeared "Update IP on startup"

    Have you enabled the Update IP on DHT firewall check?
  14. Can't download properly

    This is a separate issue, so I've split it to Support forums. You need to make sure you've forwarded the correct ports, there's no reason why 1.3 should no longer work for you.
  15. DHT bootstrap error

    All I can say is I'm grateful we have this disabled by default.
  16. Released: ApexDC++ 1.3.0

    Really, you think it should be enabled by default?
  17. DHT bootstrap error

    Just imagine if RIAA/MPAA get hold of it, or a DoS attack reaches the bootstrap... SF have logs of all accesses to bootstrap presumably. Disaster is waiting to happen. It's not even secure.
  18. DHT bootstrap error

    So you've created a feature that you want others to adopt, but you aren't prepared to allow them to use your resources. Why don't you pay for some additional resources so your users can connect to your bootstrap? We've disabled it by default, it's not ApexDC++'s fault you can't level with demand. Because of this reason it remains disabled by default - e.g. you create a feature, yet you can't support it. Why don't you send us your bootstrap script so we can host it ourselves (and do a much better job at it)? It's still not ready...
  19. media players plugin !

    Indeed, search is disabled right now. :P
  20. Mac OS version

    We don't have any plans for a Mac version. By all means, if a dev wants to contact us... then by all means. In the meantime I recommend you use jucy. Edit (13/02/2011): Plans have changed and Mac OS X builds are now available internally. Edit (19/04/2013): Progress report is available to read here.
  21. Selecting multiple files or directories

    Wait till next version, we have something up our sleeve that might help you...
  22. Broken emoticons

    PeerWeb and Nerdcore emoticons work fine (the default ones).