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Everything posted by manchester10

  1. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Hi everyone, new user here! I have some heavy error that is depressing.... My ports are forwarded OK, when i click on help>>>about, the current version is listed. However, it just WONT download the hub lists, it just says ''Downloading Public Hub Lists....(http://dchublist...'' Any help?
  2. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Hi Mek, its 22:15 here. If you could spare me 5 mins? Sorry to be so cheeky, ive been battling with ApexDC++ since friday. i can get hold of TightVNC asap.
  3. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Hi Mek, It doesnt do anything at all, no hubs, nothing. And i have tried disabling BDefender. Sometimes i get the error An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Would there be any chance you could TeamView me if you have time so you can see my issue for yourself? I would really appreciate that. Thanks.
  4. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Still the same, nothing with passive either. I even rang my ISP to check if they were blocking APex but they don't. I just dont get it, it worked once, then never again.
  5. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Lee, im 100% that my ports are forwarded. 100%. + Just to add, even though i did not acknowledge your advice, i have read the user guides available, and ensured my ports are open. I really have done all i can.
  6. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Lee, everything fails and im really not sure what the problem is. My friend just showed me him connecting at his house, and it connects immediately with no ports or anything! Any chance you could TeamView me? Im on right now, and i should be on for at least a couple more hours, that would be bril. Just let me know if thats possible. Thanks.
  7. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Sorry to flood you with screenshots, but i also get this error:
  8. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Sorry, you are correct! It still wont tell me the current version nor connect to the dam hub lists. Any tips?
  9. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Here is the screenshot. What im showing you there is that after ive clicked on either ''Help/about'' or refresh hub lists, DCPLusPlus opens a connection immediately, but instead of any data movement in or out... the connection just sits there like a lemon.
  10. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    Hi Lee, Thanks for the help, ive been trying for like 5 hours now. I am trying just the default ones, but the problem is that testing my connection (by going to help/about), and looking at the version, it just says ''Downloading''. I have disabled everything (or so i think), and also, i am viewing all network activity through bitdefender and when i click refresh or something like that, i can see the connection open, but it just sits there and no transfer occurrs. ill try and get a screen shot asap of what im talking about!
  11. Downloading Public Hub Lists.....

    anybody? :)