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Everything posted by ugle43

  1. I have a pretty odd problem with ApexDC++, I run to instances, they have the same settings, expect different ports. I use the "manual port forwarding"-settings. All ports are forwarded in my router. My problem is that many times when i open ApexDC++, i cannot download filelists. I can search just fine, and one of the two clients might work but not the second (i do not use the same ports for bot clients). Sometimes it starts to work again if i just quit the client and restart it (work as in maybe 90% of filelists can be downloaded, but not all). In passive mode it always works more or less, but I would rather be in active mode if i can. If I check the connection in Apexdc, it connects to the port just fine. Any idea what can cause this problem? (It seemed to work a lot better in 1.4.2, but in 1.4.3 its worse again, and i also have the problem regardless of what client others are using)
  2. Running several instances with 1.42?

    Wow, thanks, that was both easy and worekd perfectly :)
  3. How do i run several instances with 1.42? (i upgraded from an earlier version of apexdc) Should I choose "store settings per user" on install? I did that, but now all instances share settings, which i don't want them to do. I tried configuring dcppboot to localmode=1 and <ConfigPath>[apexdc-path]\Settings</ConfigPath>, but when i did that, it just reverted back to default-settings, instead of using the old ones stored in the settings-folder. (from the old install). I'm sure that this is pretty easy, but i am a newbie with this (even though i did manage to do it in the 1.3.x-versions) , so any help would be appreciated.
  4. I screwed up during install, I have two instances of apexdc++ 1.31 wich i run at the same times, however during install i chose "store settings per user account", and now both instances uses the same settings. Is there a way to change this now, after i have finished the install? Some registry setting or similar?
  5. Thanks for the tip, but when i tried that, all my favorites and all the settings disappeared, is there a way to keep the old ones, but still be able to run two instances with different settings?