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Everything posted by nisse666

  1. Suggest features for ApexDC++

    It would be great if extra slot permissions were saved when restarting Apex.
  2. Disappeared "Update IP on startup"

    Why is it even necessary to specify your IP in settings? I've got dynamic IP and I always keep the box empty. No hub software complain and I can down- and upload without problems. :)
  3. More info in Search spy

    Yes. It shows lots of crap when you only are interested in searches. It's very limited and it doesn't take long before information is starting to disappear. (logging isn't available either) It's not as easy to look over like search spy is No ignoring of TTH searches as mentioned above. Yes, the filter only works with ip-adresses as already mentioned and it still don't work with searches but only with the IP from a specific hub in this case.