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  1. Slow LAN Speed?

    Noone? Is 50-60MB/s the fastest I should be seeing with this client on gigabit?
  2. Slow LAN Speed?

    I'm attempting to tune my Apex DC++ client(s) for maximum throughput in a LAN environment and am seeing a bit of a wall. Both of my machines have fast RAID arrays and fast network connections (gigabit or faster), but I am seeing a wall with network throughput. With the application Fast Copy over my gigabit port I am able to hit ~90MB/s pretty regularly. With the same app and my 10Gbase-CX4 connection, I can push or pull up to around 250MB/s sustained. Both machines have an Areca RAID controller and a 12-16 disk RAID5 array, and I don't see the write speeds being an issue (they can do 250+MB/s write). I tested with the 10Gigabit Ethernet cards to make sure it wasn't a network or disk write issue. I'm not planning on using those for DC++, just wanted to take the hardware out of the equasion. I did previously have issues getting DC++ up to speed (maxed out at 40MB/s) and did find Apex DC++ to be faster. I have bumped up the buffers as well as turned off "Enable safe and compressed transfers" in the advanced tab, as the FAQ suggested. At this point I'm able to serve up files at 50-58MB/s with one or more clients. What I'd like to know now is what else I can try to get the speeds up? If it matters, the file sizes are all 4-20GB in size. Thanks in advance, and thanks for a great product. :thumbsup: