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Posts posted by dcuserdc

  1. To edit the xml file use Windows Notepad or any similar plain text editor.

    ok that worked, but maybe if u can tel me plz what line, i tried cltr+f the name of the directory that was shared and made the problem but didnt find it

    how to know which line is responsible for the sharing directories and kinda empty it, with no share at all ?

  2. Looks like your hard drive can't stand the high load produced by hashing in ApexDC. You can limit hashing speed in the hashing progress window, try it to see if it helps.

    Maybe your drive will crash in the near future. Isn't it overheating? Try also to see the S.M.A.R.T. status using a program called SpeedFan (it will show you the temperature too).

    How old is the HDD, btw?

    the hd is brand new, its been here for 2 days now only

    seagate 7200 prm 32MB 1,5TB it works pretty fine on everything else

    for the heating thing, i turned pc off, waited until it got so normally cold and started apexdcc the first thing of all, and still failed, but wont fail on any other tasks like copying 3 directories at the same time ( big ones ) , i tried also limiting the hashing to 1MB, but still same problem, the thing i need to do, is save all my apexdc configuration except the part that saves what files im sharing

    is that possible `? i think its the only way to solve that

  3. http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/6026/hdproblem.jpg

    how can i solve this, the folder is about 44gbs that i try to hash, my hd crashes and disappears from my computer until i reboot and unplug from sata cables, replug, start pc all isfine, but again when i open apexdc and want to stop the hashing, it starts refreshing the list again, and crashed

    plz help me plz help me
