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Everything posted by raver2

  1. Problem connecting to hub

    Strange, because it only really affected the apex users on the hub though. /shrug. Doesn't matter, we know what to do now :D
  2. Problem connecting to hub

    I disabled TLS alltogether, and it worked. Thanks for the pointer (Was this new in 1.2.x)? We lost all of our apex hub members due to this (They could all connect with 1.1.x). Might be worth a blurb that if you're having a problem connecting with 1.2.x, to disable it.
  3. Problem connecting to hub

    I have had this problem with Apex DC since 1.2.0 - I originally upgraded from 1.1.0 to 1.2.0 and could not connect to a hub I frequent. So I stuck with 1.1.0. Now that I'm forced to update to 1.2.1, it still will not connect. I've never had a problem connecting with 1.1.0 but always 1.2.x. Also, no one in the hub was ever able to connect with 1.2.x either. This is all I get: [01:24:53] *** Connecting to [hub_name]... [01:24:53] *** Connected [01:24:53] *** Stored password sent... [01:24:54] *** Joins: raver2 [01:24:54] *** Connection closed [01:27:49] *** Connecting to [hub_name]... [01:27:49] *** Connected [01:27:49] *** Stored password sent... [01:27:50] *** Joins: raver2 [01:27:50] *** Connection closed [01:30:00] *** Connecting to [hub_name]... [01:30:00] *** Connected [01:30:00] *** Stored password sent... [01:30:01] *** Joins: raver2 [01:30:01] *** Connection closed ad infinitum. Debug info: Hub: [incoming][67.213.xxx.xxx:411] $Lock EXTENDEDPROTOCOLABCABCABCABCABCABC Pk=py-dchub-0.2.3-- Hub: [Outgoing][67.213.xxx.xxx:411] $Supports UserCommand NoGetINFO NoHello UserIP2 TTHSearch ZPipe0 TLS | Hub: [Outgoing][67.213.xxx.xxx:411] $Key A