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so far .. not running a share .. just 2 x ptoakax and strong ... I reformatted 1 of the HD's that had experienced the MBR issue since it was kinda young .. currently it's all running on a different 9 y.o. HD ... i used sea tools to transfer it all back to the one that crashed .... on reboot it said that there was a file missing or corrupt maybe destroyed HD? a tool util had one parameter in the red.. but i just went back to the old one. that's all i got. thanks for looking into this .. who knows what happened ... good to put it on record and i have it on email notify if it happens again w/ someone else .. My motto on help is to search .. i'm never the first to have a particular problem... maybe this time i'm the first....
for the extra HD's i have a second PSU hotwired to 'on' (outside the case) to keep the first psu's demand within normal limits. I have 4 fans on the HD's in all kinky directions b/c I knew it would be an issue. the result is I can keep my hand on it forever, on the drives or the case/frame. I'm a degenerate. even slipped a fan srcewed to a heatsink inbetween some HD's (was a spare part to something long ago)... this ran for all of 2009 this way. I dont check email on this rig, that's not what this one is for... the spare pc did not have a fan on the HD.. it was a budget dell and not made for expansion, but the 2 hubs and strong showed the typical 'less than 10%' cpu usage on task mgr, not that you were asking about the cpu stil i fugured i'd mention it. I was exposed at the top (but vertically mounted so the side w/ 5 inches of nothing around it) Guys remember i'm not demanding 'satisfaction' or a refund LOL. Apex has been good to me for ... what... 4 years? I am just posting this b/c i fell that i do owe this to you and whoever else this may happen to.
TOAST: I cant be sure of much in the way of a MBR virus, i have been looking into that, but that it happened to a second pc w/ nothing on it makes me wanna look past it. thanks for looking
PM sent w/ some finer details. but it was a upgrade from the 1.2.0 the second time it was a clean upgrade into the spare pc. install was from this site. originally the client was in 2 hubs. after the reinsalls .. the client was watching 2 hubs run w/ 0 share and it happened again. configuring difference in options continued... i will think about that some more.. that i reinstalled 1.2.1. w/ no load is what is easier to look at considering the same thing happend. if i can think of anything else i will edit this.
SOB started following [1.2.1] MBR corruption
2 HD crashes in 2 days on different pc's I run a ptokax hub x2 ... lately running just one hub but decided to fire up the second again, which btw hadnt' been a problem when i stopped 2 months before. both ran fine for 6 months prior. The day i try to run the 2nd hub... apex wants me to update to 1.2.1 (so you could say 2 new things /changes done at the same time but not really..the only new thing was the apex1.2.1., barring minor automatic xp updates over the last month. go to bed. wake up ... corrupt drive (XP/MBR gone) pull out the spare pc - no other installed sw just xp pro os .. slow PIII but it used to run YNhub for weeks on end and all was well... on spare pc i install: ptokax (x 2) , Apex 1.2.1.. configure router, client, ptokax, next morning ... BSOD w/ memory dump errors and MBR issues. It's all gone again. So i try again but this time something different ... ptokax and strong dc 48H I install 1 hub, and Strong DC++ .. no problem 18 H ago installed the 2nd hub .. no probem right now all is well. any ideas? i also dont want to see someone burn 3 days and who knows how many drives. some may not have 3 spare HD's laying around and the time to deal w/ this .. .. ..